Page 38 of Best Served Cold

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“True. But usually I only mean I’ll take them to lunch.” The implications of what he was saying filled her body with heat. That only seemed to make his smile larger.

“And what—do I even want to know how you plan to make it up to me?”

“I’m not sure. I promise you’ll like it though. But before we get to pleasure...” He lingered on the last word as he took her hand in his own. “I must unfortunately discuss business with you.” He pulled her up from her chair and into his embrace.

Opening her mouth to ask him what he was doing, she received a kiss. His tongue plunged into her mouth once before he pulled back with a sigh.

“That’s what you call discussing business?” Stacy hoped she didn’t sound as dazed as she felt. If anything the time away from him had only increased his appeal. The complete opposite of what she’d prayed for. That was part of the reason she’d tried to get books telling her about the history of his pack.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Besides, what else did you expect when one of my pack’s allies calls me and tells me she met my new girlfriend?”

“I did not—I never said—” Damn, did he always have to make her blush? She took a deep breath and tried to ignore how incredible his hand felt resting on her hip. “I did not ever claim that I was your girlfriend. Nor did I know an ally of your pack worked at that bookstore.”

“Ah. Well, I’d love to know what you did say then, because she apologized and said you were very beautiful. She told me she hoped we were very happy together.”

“Look, I didn’t do anything but mention your name. I didn’t know what else to do. I went to the bookstore and they wouldn’t let me in the back. So I went back the next day and they still wouldn’t let me go to the real collection. I only mentioned that I might call you...”

He laughed. “You dropped my name rather than BSC. I guess I’m flattered.” He nuzzled her neck.

“No, I really was going to call you. I was hoping maybe you’d be able to come help me. But as soon as I mentioned your name, the woman practically shoved me into the back. How did she know I was talking about you?”

Demetri cleared his throat. “I don’t think—you know, you’d have gotten service the first day if you’d just admitted you were the new recruit here. I don’t think there’s a single person in our world who isn’t aware of BSC.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to just keep using my new position here to get what I want.”

“So you used me for that,” he teased. “Look, people will get to know you. It’s just going to take time. And until then, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You have to learn, and people will respect that you want to learn about us.”

“I—I panicked, okay?” Her head dropped. Straight onto his chest. “I really need to see my guru more than once a day. More like three or four times a day...”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it, Stacy. I was just teasing. I don’t mind that you used my name. I’m flattered, to be honest.” His arms wrapped around her and massaged her lower back slightly.

“No, it’s not fine. I shouldn’t have brought you into my problems. I just...” Shaking her head, she refused to admit she had wanted to see him. That she’d spent the weekend hoping he’d mysteriously gotten her cell number. That he would call her and ask if she wanted to do something. She couldn’t bring herself to call him Saturday night. It would’ve been too much like admitting they were dating.

Lifting her head, she cleared her throat. “You said you had business we need to discuss.” She pushed him away slightly.

“Party pooper.” Demetri straightened his tie. “It’s about your separation papers.”

“Good, did he sign them already? How soon can I be free?”

“He hasn’t signed them. He actually refuses to sign them. He called my office earlier and told me he wants to meet with you.”

“Why did he call your office?” He was right. Her party had been officially pooped on.

“I refused to give him your new address, telephone number or place of employment. So I simply listed my office as the point of contact.”

“I see.”

“I wanted to find out when—or if—you wanted to meet with him. I think he wants to negotiate.”

“Um, sure, I guess. I don’t have to meet him alone, do I?”

“Of course not. I’ll be there with you every minute.”

That thought did not comfort her. Not the way it should. Would she be able to handle being in a room with her ex and her lover?

“I was thinking one of the conference rooms here would be perfect.” Demetri didn’t have to add the rest of the statement for her to know what he was thinking. That way, if her ex got out of line, there would be plenty of people to fix it—and him.

“I don’t want him to know where I work. I don’t want him anywhere near here,” she protested. Nor did she want the temptation of being able to have him tortured. Or killed.
