Page 39 of Best Served Cold

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“He doesn’t have to know—”

“No. I’d—I’d be more comfortable having that particular meeting at your office. Please ask h

im to bring his lawyer.”

“As you wish. When would you like the meeting to happen?”

“As soon as possible. I want to get this over with as quickly as I can.”

Nodding, Demetri reached past her to grab the phone. Her body tingled where his arm brushed against her.

He dialed a number, then waited. “Marie,” he said after a pause. “What is my schedule for the rest of the week?” He was silent for a moment, nodding his head now and then. “Please contact Mr. Jones and let him know that the only time I have available is today at four. If he wishes to have a meeting with Ms. Jones, he will need to be in my office at that time. If he does not make it, I will take that as a sign from him that he has obtained a lawyer and I will see him in court. Thank you.” Demetri hung up the phone. “Does that work for you?” he whispered.

Stacy nodded, a lump in her throat.

“I guess the shoe is on the other foot now. I get to mediate for you. Let’s hope I’m even half as talented as you are at it.”

“Then I guess you should know I like French vanilla hot cocoa with two marshmallows.” She attempted to tease him, but was not sure her voice was steady enough to have the desired effect.

“You can be sure I’ll remember that.” His fingers worked at the top few buttons on her shirt. But since the action seemed so incredibly innocent when compared with what he could be doing, she didn’t protest. Her eyes closed in bliss when his lips found the spot on her shoulder, the edge of his bite mark. It felt incredibly erotic to feel his mouth pressed against her like that.

“Make sure you stop by your apartment,” he said against her skin. Change your clothes. Something very conservative, and no white shirts. I can see through them and you don’t want him seeing...” His tongue made a path from the bite to the hickey.

“That doesn’t give me much time.”

“No it doesn’t. So you should use what little time you have to your best advantage.” He pressed against her.

“You’re right. And I can’t do that with you here.” She softened her rejection by pressing her palm against his cheek. It felt prickly with a day or two’s worth of stubble. She wondered how it would feel rubbing against her thighs. Knowing this would be the last chance she had to be alone with Demetri before the meeting with her ex, Stacy gave in to her impulse.

Rising to her tiptoes, she kissed him, sucking his lower lip into her mouth and surprising him for a change. She let her emotions pour out of her and into that kiss. How much she’d missed seeing him over the weekend, and how much she wanted him at that moment. Pulling away she was pleased to see his dazed expression.

“I guess you should go, so I can get to work.”

“I really don’t want to.”

She didn’t want him to leave either. But she had to be an adult. And that meant pushing him away before they ‘christened’ her desk. “But you still need to.”

“I’ll see you later. Remember, conservative suit. Don’t forget the dark top and wear a skirt.”

Nodding, she waited until he was out of the door to sink down to her chair. Pulling out her cell phone, she pressed the number five and waited for it to connect her with her guru.

“Hello, Stacy. How are you feeling this morning? Did you have a relaxing weekend? Have you been practicing those breathing exercises I told you about?”

“I’ve tried Savon. But I need to schedule two appointments with you.”

“Two?” Her guru sounded confused.

“Both for this afternoon. One from about one-thirty until three, and another for after my meeting...”

“This is going to be a very important meeting then?”

“Yes. I have to be in a room with the man I’m trying to get divorced from,” she refused to call him her husband any longer, “and my lover.”

Stacy’s palm forcibly met her forehead. “Lawyer. I meant to say lawyer. Lawyer, not lover. Because if he were my lover that would be wrong. And well, I certainly would never...and if I did I’d hope I could be discreet enough that I didn’t just proclaim it to the world. Did I mention he’s my lawyer?”

“Sweetie...Let’s make that from one until three. And I’ll clear my afternoon.”

* * * * * *
