Page 65 of Best Served Cold

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Walking through the door, she felt completely calm as she strode through the hallway. She wasn’t even surprised when she found her boss’s door open for her.

“Come in,” Ms. Pope said from behind the desk. “And please close the door behind you.”

Stacy did as she was told, then sat down in her usual chair. For a few moments, she simply sat there, staring at her boss.

Neither woman seemed to mind the silence. Nor did they act as though they had anything else that needed to be done. It was almost as though time stood still. And Stacy was okay with that. There was no frustration, no anger or annoyance that her boss already knew what she would say, only this moment of complete acceptance.

“You seem much calmer. Now, I need you to take a deep breath, don’t punch Marix again, and go help him with a torture. That nurse you find so distasteful has crossed the line. She’s in there, and your presence is needed.”

Stacy didn’t say anything, just nodded her head. This certainly wasn’t what she’d expected when left Demetri behind in her bed.

“And Stacy,” Ms. Pope waited until she looked back from the door. “When you are one of the ones doing the torture, you are allowed to just enter the room. They are expecting you, and you will not be...corrected for it.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She followed the familiar route to Marix’s lair. She briefly wondered where they had put the poor woman who had been there previously but shrugged. It wasn’t her business.

Despite her permission not to knock, out of habit, she did. She smiled when Marix answered with a black eye.

“She’s strapped in now. We were waiting for you before we started doing the heavier stuff.”

Stacy approached the woman, naked and strapped to various tables. Inside she felt that same burst of little glee that she could do anything to this woman that she wanted. No one would bat an eyelash if she made the woman perform oral sex on her, tasting whatever was left of Demetri’s cum still inside her. She could pick up one of the tools placed helpfully nearby. They ranged from so sharp you couldn’t even feel the nerves being severed until the blood pooled around them, to so dull it made a butter knife seem severe. She could stitch the foul bitch’s mouth shut for saying such horrible things.

The nurse’s eyes shot daggers at Stacy, her expression growing more furious with every step that brought them closer.

Stacy allowed her hand to caress some of the tools, all things provided because no one knew yet what her brand of torture would be. But before she picked one up, she looked at the woman, naked and trembling with rage as much as the restraints would allow.

“I don’t need these,” Stacy said. She closed the distance between them. “I thought I wanted to come in here and torture you. For the way you treated me when you had all the power. I wanted you to feel just how insignificant, how low, how inconsequential and dirty you made me feel. I wanted to pay you back for all that and more. I was going to make you pay for everything anyone has ever done wrong to me. But I don’t need tools for that.”

She walked around the table to the woman’s other side.

“I could do that to you with words, but I won’t do that either. I don’t know what you did to get here, and I don’t care. Because those were choices that you made. Quite honestly, the only power you have to make me feel wrong is the power I give you. And there are people I have met who deserve that power so much more than you do. And they don’t ask for it. They don’t want it. And I don’t want this.”

She returned to the tray and pushed it aside.

“I know you can smell Demetri on me. I know that you know he was inside of me last night. And I don’t care. Because he was with me because he wanted to be, not to punish you. And I was with him for the same reason. I don’t need to do anything to you. Because I’m happy. I know that we care about each other. And though thoughts of making you suffer may once have put a smile on my face, now thoughts of him have replaced that. Thoughts of my best friend are more important. Thoughts of my new family... all of that is more important than you. And while I may not know the full significance of this bite,” she fingered the mark that was somehow still visible. “I know it is significant. And that when this is over, if you go back to your job, you will have to see me when I come in. And you will see this. And you will remember, every single time, that I am happy and you have no power over me.”

Stacy walked away. Marix was staring at her as though she’d grown a second head. Maybe that was possible, but she didn’t really think it had happened.

Instead of returning to the office, she found herself outside of Ms. Pope’s office.

“Come in,” was called out before she could even knock, and that put a small smile on her face.

“You’ve decided,” Ms. Pope said. It wasn’t a question.

“I have.” Stacy stood there for a moment, enjoying the calm feeling inside of her that came with finally knowing what she wanted. And of complete understanding about what Ms. Pope had meant about saying something aloud, despite the fact that what she had to say was already known.

Another moment of silence passed. “Since I’ve begun working here, my life has changed in ways I never could have anticipated. I’ve seen and felt things I never before would have believed possible. My eyes were opened to just how much of a lie I was living.”

Ms. Pope nodded, but did not interrupt.

“I don’t know what I feel for Demetri. But I know it scares me and excites me at the same time. I don’t have a name for this feeling, because I’ve never felt anything like it before in my life. It makes every other emotion I’ve ever felt pale in comparison. I’m tempted to call it love, but it feels so much stronger, deeper than anything that word implies. I have obligations to this company, to you, and to myself. I will honor them, and pray that Demetri meant what he said about understanding.”

“He did,” Ms. Pope interrupted.

“I hope so. With all my heart and soul, I truly hope so.” She took a deep breath to brace herself for what came next and allowed the silence to stretch out for a moment as she attempted to organize her thoughts.

“Feeling whatever I do for takes up so much space inside me that there is no room for other things. Other emotions, like hatred. And I just figured that out with that nurse. Which I think was what you were hoping would happen. If so, thank you for helping me to realize this.
