Page 64 of Best Served Cold

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Stepping out of the elevator, she decided to lead by example. First one heel, then the other came off. Turning to look at Demetri, she saw he hadn’t moved, but there was something primal about his expression. As she stared into his eyes, she dropped her shoes.

“I mean it.” Turning so she could walk backwards and not break eye contact, her hands went to the waist of her skirt. She didn’t need to watch what she was doing to get out of her clothes. She continued to walk backwards as she worked, pausing only to prevent herself from tripping as the skirt fell off her hips.

Demetri blinked, and licked his lips.

Her shirt followed the skirt, and still he hadn’t moved. She was down to her bra and thong. Unhooking the silky bra, she allowed that to fall to the floor as well.

“Guess I was wrong, and you don’t want to play. Too bad.” Turning her back on him, she pulled her panties down before she continued to stride toward her apartment.

She didn’t care about her clothes, or that all she had still on her body were her stockings. Nor did Stacy care if the hallways were monitored by video camera. Right now she didn’t care about anything except making sure he didn’t see her cry. She was disappointed deep inside that he hadn’t wanted to play her game.

She separated the key to her apartment from the others—she couldn’t even remember how she managed to get them in her hand, but that didn’t matter at the moment—and inserted it into the lock.

She looked back at Demetri. He still hadn’t moved, but he looked like he was struggling with his decision.

“Well, since you don’t want to play, I guess I’m just going to have to go find someone who does,” she taunted him, twisting the key inside the lock. She had no desire to do that, had just said it to try to hurt him as much as she was hurting inside right now at his rejection.

There was a growl behind her, and she could hear material ripping. The door was open but before she’d even had a chance to take a step inside she was shoved through it. Dememtri’s hard body was pressing against her. He grabbed her hands, pulling them behind her back to restrain them.

“No,” she said, pulling free. Turning, she poked a finger into his chest. “I have had a very bad day. If you think you’re just going to grab my hands and kiss me until I melt against you, then leave. ‘Cause I want to be fucked hard. I’m pissed off, and I—”

Growling, she decided actions spoke louder than words. Some small part of her brain still cared about privacy, because she managed to push the door closed with her foot. Again, she grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head closer to hers. Their kiss was intense and hard. There was nothing sweet or tender about it. That wasn’t what she needed. She needed to work off these feelings milling inside of her head. She needed to find a way to turn her brain off, and was praying that this would help.

Stacy pushed him against the door. She bent over, biting his chest and stomach before lowering herself to her knees until his hard cock was directly in front of her.

Sticking her tongue out, she licked him from the base to the tip before sucking him into her mouth. Her teeth grazed against his flesh and her tongue pressed into his shaft as she sucked on him, his dick sliding against her lips.

Demetri seemed to understand what she needed, because he wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled. She had two choices; she could allow him to pull her up his body or she could lose a patch of hair. She picked the former. His kiss matched hers in brutality and she could feel her body molding against him. With a speed that should’ve frightened her, she was the one pressed against the door and without delay, Demetri buried his cock deep inside her body.

His fingers bi

t into her even as her nails dug deep into his flesh. He slammed into her body. Wrapping his hand in her hair, he yanked her head back. Her entire throat was exposed, her head back as far as it could go and still he tugged on her hair. His grip never eased as he pounded into her.

With every thrust her body tensed more until finally, she dug her nails into his thigh, just under his ass. “Harder,” she whimpered.

He obliged. He thrust into her savagely until a scream was ripped from her throat, her entire body shuddering from the intensity of her orgasm. For a second, her vision got fuzzy. She heard a growl as Demetri came inside of her, then collapsed against her. With him still buried deep within her body, Stacy allowed herself to succumb to the desire to sleep.


She woke up, uncertain of how they had gotten to the bed. But that didn’t matter. Lifting her upper body, she braced her weight on her elbow, gazing at Demetri while he slept. His arm was wrapped around her waist and there was a half-smile on his face. She wondered what he was dreaming about.

As she laid there staring at him, she finally gave herself permission to feel everything that she’d tried to deny inside of her. Somehow this man had managed to weasel himself into her life, to twist and turn and get so tangled that there wasn’t a single part of her or her life that he wasn’t a part of.

Slowly she untangled herself from him, trying desperately not to disturb him from his sleep. As she got up every muscle in her body protested. Muscles she didn’t even know she had ached from the pounding he had given her the previous night. Stacy walked around the bed to go to the closet and froze, a smile tilting her own lips when she saw the scabbed up welts on his back. She couldn’t even remember doing that, but there was no doubt in her mind that she was the one responsible for the marks.

Forcing herself to tear her eyes away from him, she continued to her closet and picked out clothes. She would take Ms. Pope on her word, wearing something that was neither modest nor concealing. Today she wanted the world to see every mark that Demetri had left on her body—or as many as she could without getting arrested for indecency.

Dressed in an incredibly low-cut top and pair of skin tight jeans that accentuated the aches and helped her continue to feel Demetri’s claim on her body, she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and quietly slipped out of the bedroom.

As she headed for the elevator, she noticed that someone had picked up the clothes she’d dropped along the hallway. The desire to blush and be embarrassed rose up inside her, but was quickly stomped down. She refused to feel that way. She wasn’t embarrassed about anything she’d done with him. And damn it, she wouldn’t allow any false sense of morality or decorum to make her feel guilty.

Last night had been about primitive urges. That deep-down need that most people were content to bury and pretend didn’t exist. Fuck anyone who couldn’t understand that.

She headed to her car with a sense of purpose. She drove to work, her mind whirling with so many thoughts that before she realized it she had pulled into her parking space. She headed for the office and, when she stepped through the door was greeted by Tina sitting behind the desk.

“Ms. Pope is expecting you,” Tina said as soon as she’d opened the door.

Stacy smiled. She wasn’t surprised.
