Page 175 of Bad Seed

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“Would you like that?” I asked.

I removed my fingers from her juicy pussy and brought them to my lips. I licked her sweet juices off my skin, her eyes watching my every move. They were bright and fully awake, taking in the moment before my lips fell to hers.

She rolled me over on top of her and I found her body spread for me, awaiting the intrusion I knew would have her screaming for more.

I grinned down at the beautiful angel beneath me as her eyes connected with mine. There was a peace about her stare that gave me pause, taking in this moment so I could remember it. Reaching down, I grabbed my cock, lining it up with her entrance as I breached her folds with my tip.

She tensed up and I dropped down to her, covering her mouth with mine as I slowly slid inside.

Her hands raced to my back, her nails clawing at my muscles. My throat swallowed her whimpers as I tried to control myself. Her pussy was so tight and I could feel her virginity give way to me as I slid into her, and Delia’s entire body was trembling against mine.

I sank to my hilt slowly, waiting for her to adjust around me. There was something within me that forced me to take it slowly. No matter how much I wanted to destroy her pussy and have her crying out my name, a little voice in the back of my mind told me to be gentle.

So I was.

Until she rolled her hips into me.

Our lips broke apart and I slid from between her legs. I slid back into her, watching her eyes roll into the back of her head as I grabbed both of her hands. I pinned them above her, my mouth falling to her breasts as I rose up onto my knees.

Shallow thrusts followed as her clit raked against my curls. I marked her tits as mine, sucking them as she moaned and whimpered. Her pussy was hot and her walls were fluttering. Her entire body was laid out on a silver platter for me as my cock and my lips feasted on her. My cock slid in her juices and her pussy folds were leaving wet marks against my skin. Her breathless moans were filling the room as the bus rocked on its chassis, boasting to the entire world who Delia now belonged to.

“Drake. Oh shit. This feels—you are—oh—oh please don’t stop.”

I released her hands and dropped to her lips. I captured them once again, tasting her sweet tongue against mine. Her legs wrapped around my hips as my legs spread out, my body slamming into hers. I could feel her jolting against me. I could feel her tits raking against my strong chest. Her hands were fingering my muscles, dancing around my biceps and tracing the outlines of the veins on my forearms.

Her soft touches sent shivers down my spine and I could feel my balls pulling into me.

“Come with me, Delia. Come around my cock.Fuck!”

I rolled deep into her body as she came apart underneath me. I felt her walls hold me in their vice grip, pulling me deeper into her as I pumped my load into her body. I held myself up off her , watching her face scrunch in pleasure as her jaw unhinged. I slid my tongue into her mouth, lapping at her sweetness as we swallowed one another’s groans.

I collapsed on top of her, cloaking her with my body as my cock stilled between her legs. I could feel our wetness running down my balls, our foreheads rested against each other as our lips parted.

Slowly, I rolled away from her and reached for my cell phone. I ordered us some breakfast from a place up the road and had it delivered to the bus. I watched Delia get up and reach for her towel, wrapping it around her body as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Was she embarrassed at being naked? Or embarrassed that she’d slept with me?

Either way, we didn’t have any time to dwell on it. We had to eat quickly and clean ourselves up before everyone got back to the bus. Delia was back to being her quiet and reserved self, typing away on her laptop and doing whatever bullshit she had to get done.

Delia climbed back into her bunk and I moved toward the fridge. I stooped low to grab a beer, ready to chug it back after the ten hours I’d just experienced with her. But as I rose up from the fridge and held the beer in my hands, I found my body craving something else.


My body wanted just coffee. With a little bit of milk and a spoonful of sugar.

Like I used to drink it.



I couldn’t believe it. How the hell could I have been so stupid? My mother was rolling over in her grave right now, and my father would probably take me to confession if he knew about this. One rule. I had one rule going into college. I’d broken it. After being seduced and lured into Drake’s mesmerizing trap.

No sex before marriage. That was it. It wasn’t that hard, and I’d gotten through twenty-five years of my life without it. I did things myself, I relieved what I had to with my hands, and I went on about my business. No men, no dicks, no penetration. Shit, I’d never even dated just to deprive myself of the temptation.

Until Drake.

Despite my parents’ many issues, I had been raised Catholic and taught that sex should be saved for marriage only. My mother had pounded it into my head over and over again in the hopes of me avoiding the same mistakes she’d made. She didn’t want to see me pregnant and married to a man who had only proposed out of obligation.
