Page 205 of Bad Seed

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I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned in Drake’s guest bedroom, but I couldn’t get comfortable. I was too hot, then I was too cold. My mind was too loud, then it was too silent. The shirt Drake gave me to sleep in was too uncomfortable, then it felt weird sleeping naked in the bed.

But I knew what it really was.

It was Drake.

The kiss on the couch, the way I felt comforted by him. The looks he had given me during the talks we’d had. How things were clicking in place. Just the act of trying to get to know me better had weakened me towards him. But the heat of his kiss, the electricity of his tongue, and the way he kept undressing me with his eyes, as we all ate pizza.

Probably the only thing stopping him from taking me then and there was the fact that Elsie and Tammy ate dinner with us. Elsie had warmed up to me again after our little scare, talking about the book she was reading and asking me how I was feeling. My conversation flowed easily with Tammy, giving Drake the opportunity to stare at me with a predatory heat in his eyes.

I couldn’t believe how he had just announced we were a couple. How I apparently didn’t have a say in it. But there was something alluring about that too. His confidence was intoxicating.

And though it was also a bit infuriating, I secretly enjoyed it.

I felt like I was going crazy. My hormones were buzzing, and I was trying to rid him from my mind. My body was heating up as I wore his shirt against my skin, his cologne wafting up my nose. I was never going to be able to get a good night’s rest with him on my mind.

I decided to give up on sleep and head to the kitchen to grab a snack. I was hoping that putting something in my stom

ach would help ease me into a restful slumber. I needed the rest. My body ached for it. But as long as I was thinking about Drake, it wasn’t going to happen.

But when I entered the kitchen, I didn’t find food.

Instead, I saw Drake standing at the sliding doors, staring out into the backyard. Like he was in a trance.

I studied him for a while, watching the way he was lost in thought. His guard was down and his eyes were vulnerable. The look he had on his face was one I’d never seen before. I felt myself gravitating toward him. He was clad in nothing but his pajama pants, and before I could stop myself I was threading my arms around his waist.

Leaning my cheek into his back, I could feel his muscles expanding with his every breath. We stood there for a minute, with no words exchanged between the two of us. The more time I spent around him, the more I understood him and his need for control. All of his life, he had careened out of control. I thought back to his admission that his wife had been pregnant when she’d died. I knew he felt like I was his second chance, and it made me feel hopeful for our future. Hopeful that we could actually have one.I pressed a kiss into his skin, trying to comfort him in his time of need. I felt like I had very few choices with him, yet he was offering me the world. All he wanted was to keep me around.

“Can’t sleep?” Drake asked.

“Not really,” I said.

“Why not?”

“Just not tired,” I said.

He turned around in my arms, a grin spreading across his cheeks.

“I’m sure I could find a way to tire you out,” he said, with a wink.

“Oh really?” I asked.

“Yep,” he replied, then his eyes grew hot again.

He picked me up and I squealed, burying my face into his neck. He ran me back up the steps, then burst into his room. The two of us fell to the bed, our lips intertwined, and our bodies spread out for one another. I could feel his callused hands roaming my body, tugging at the shirt that separated my skin from his.

I was underneath him in a heartbeat. His hands were shoving his pants down as his lips wrapped around my nipples. I rolled into him, moaning and clawing at the bedsheets as electricity ricocheted through my limbs. He was intoxicating. I could barely breathe with the way he kissed me. I spread my legs for him, wanting him inside of me.

Needing him to fill me.

He slid into me with one fluid motion. His mouth swallowed my groans as my hands reaced up his back. His hips pounded into me as wet sounds echoed from between my thighs.

His lips raced down my neck, raking along my skin as I shivered underneath him. I clawed at his back, my legs wrapping around him to pull him in deeper. I felt him stutter as my pussy began to pulse. The friction of our two bodies was too much for me to bear. My eyes were rolling into the back of my head as I clung to him, feeling every sinewy muscle of his body work for my pleasure.

“Don’t go. Don’t leave. Please stay with me.”

His words were so desperate. At first, I didn’t think I’d heard him right. His plea smacked me right across the face. Tears burst forth from my eyes as I came around his cock, tugging him deep into my body as he stilled. I shook against him as he laid off to the side, taking my body with him as tears trickled down my cheeks.
