Page 34 of Bad Seed

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“Can we keep in mind that we are talking about my brother?” I asked.

“Sorry. But yeah, anyway. It’s the weekend! What are we getting into?”

I debated on whether to tell Jane about what happened with Grant and me. It didn’t even occur to her that something else other than him taking me home might’ve happened. And that interaction was a real eye-opener. I didn’t want to be that woman. I didn’t want to be plain old Theresa any longer. I wanted to be mysterious. Strong. Able to live the life I wanted and be the person I’d always wanted to become. Bold. Brash. Headstrong and in control of her life.

I’d let Ike control me for far too long, and I was done being angry at something that was in the past.

“I don’t know,” I said. “But I’m ready to let loose.”

“Got anything special in mind?” Jane asked.

“I don’t know, but I’ve always felt like I’ve been holding myself back. First with my parents, then with Ike. Hollis, too. I feel like if I try to be myself, they somehow won’t accept it.”

“But you’ll always have me, and I’ll defend your right to be yourself until my last breath,” she said.

“Did you know I never even considered living anywhere but Bar Harbor?”

“What do you mean?”

“It was always expected of me to stick around and help my dad out with his practice. So, I never considered living any place else. I didn’t think it was in the cards for me when that wasn’t the case at all. I was simply allowing other people around me to dictate what was proper for my life,” I said.

“Are you wanting to move away or something?”

“Now that I have to look for a new place, I’m considering it. I could go anywhere. Do anything. Be anyone. Nothing is chaining me to this place.”

“Except for your job.”

“I can find a job anywhere. I’ve got four years of experience at my father’s practice and a business degree. I’ve always wanted to open a business of my own. But I let Ike shit on that dream like he shat on everything else.”

“You want to start a business this weekend then?” she asked.

“Very funny. I’m just word-vomiting at this point.”

“And that’s what I’m here for, girl. I’m your best friend, and I support any and all endeavors as long as I get to be a part of them.”

“Like my tattoo.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Want another one?” she asked.

“All I know is I’m tired of being a good girl

all the damn time. And do you know what bad girls do once they break up?”

“Oh, hell yeah, I do. We’re going to find you a fucking rebound.”

“I want a damn rebound.”

What I didn’t tell her was that it wasn’t a rebound from Ike. It was a rebound from Grant. If he worked that hard at the creek that night to stay away from me, then it was obvious he didn’t want me any longer. He’d gotten a taste of what he thought he wanted all those years ago, and he’d gotten it out of his system. So, screw him. I was a big girl, and I could handle that shit. I’d said my piece right to his face, and I felt okay with how I’d left things between us.

But it was time to find me a guy to erase all those shitheads and keep trucking forward.

“You got an outfit you can wear tonight? One that shows off those insane curves you’ve got?” Jane asked.

I grinned into the phone as I ran down the hall to my room.

“I’ve got the perfect outfit.”

“Then I’ll pick you up at nine, girl!”

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