Page 63 of Bad Seed

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I furrowed my brow as I looked down at Theresa. She was beginning to stir against me, but her eyes weren’t opening. I felt her body pull taut against me and I braced for impact. I figured she was about to have another nightmare, and I wanted her to know I was there with her.


“I’m right here,” I said, stroking her hair.

“Grant, please.”

The desperation in her voice was like a punch to my gut.

“Grant. Help me. Grant?”

“Ssshhh,” I said as I rubbed her arm. “It’s okay. It’s me. I’m here.”

I pulled her close to me, and her eyes flew open. She looked confused at first. Dazed. And I wasn’t sure if she was still sleeping or not. She looked up at me, and I watched her eyes slowly focus, and just as quickly as she had pulled away from me she snuggled in deep. I bent down and kissed her forehead, whispering soothing things into her ear. “It’s going to be okay,” and “I’m right here,” and “it’s me—you’re safe.” Anything to get the trembling in her body to die down so she could get back to sleep.

With each stroke of my hand against her skin, I felt my groin growing. The veins in my legs pulsing. My cock needed her. It needed relief, snuggled so close to her with her curves pressed against me. But I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and willed my dick to settle back down. I didn’t care about what it needed. The only thing that mattered was what Theresa needed. She needed tenderness. Not sex. She needed someone she could lean against. Not fuck.

But my cock wouldn’t settle down, so I stopped stroking her arm.

She looked up at me with those big doe eyes, and I bit back a groan. She pushed up from the bed and looked at me, her eyes darting between my gaze and my mouth. No. That wasn’t happening. Not now. She was vulnerable and broken, and she needed someone to protect her.

What kind of man would I be if I didn’t protect her at her most vulnerable?

She straddled my lap, and my hands fell to her legs. Her nightshirt traveled up her thighs, revealing the circular bruises still fading away against her skin. I slid my fingers down her calves, trying to get my hands away from the heat radiating from between her legs.

I felt her hands cup my cheeks as she lifted my gaze, and soon her lips barreled into mine.

I tried to fight it, but I couldn't. Her tongue was hot against my lips, and she was grinding down into me. I could feel her breathing speed up. I could feel my cock pressing against my pants. My hands slowly traveled back up her legs, causing her to moan with gratification. I smoothed my hands over her shirt and gripped her hips as our tongues did battle. I tasted her sweetness, drank in her desperation.

But I was still in my right mind, and I grabbed her upper arms and pushed her away from my body.

Her eyes were full of confusion and hazed over with lust. I ached to bury my cock within her, but I had to be sure. This wasn’t a good situation, and I wasn’t going to take advantage of her. I wasn’t going to be that guy.

“Theresa,” I said. “I don’t know if this is a good idea for you.”


“What?” I asked.

“Please, let me have you,” she said.

“Are you sure? You’ve just been through a lot,” I said.

Her eyes danced with mine as my hands released her body. She sank deep into my hips, brushing against my hardened cock. I knew she could feel it, and she knew I could feel her. The want rushing over her body was tinting her skin red, and she looked too beautiful.

“I need this Grant. I need you,” Theresa said.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips gently to mine as my hands wrapped around her.

“I’m sure,” she said, whispering. “I need you inside me.”

Even though I still had some reservations, I gave in. I pushed forward against Theresa and claimed her lips as mine. My hands tangled in the soft tresses of her hair as I laid her down, my teeth raking against her lower lip. She wiggled underneath me and spread her thighs as wide as she could. I would never deny her. I would always give her anything she told me she needed. Theresa was my weakness. The one thing in my life I couldn't say “no” to.

And as my lips trailed down her neck, I felt her give in to me.

I smoothed her shirt up her body and wrapped my lips around first one nipple then the other. I lapped at them as they puckered to life underneath my warm breath. Her hands were gripping my hair, shoving me down to where she really wanted me. She was shaking and in desperate need of release, and I wasn’t going to deny her anything.
