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“Savannah, it’s so much worse than you can ever imagine. I don’t know if Josh will be arraigned today or not, but there is a good chance. The best thing we can do right now is pack some clothes for you and the kids and get the hell outta dodge. I can fill in the rest of the blanks later.”

“No! I want answers! What do you know about Josh being arrested? Simon Energy was mentioned on the news but I don’t understand the charges he faces and how the mines is connected.”

Sighing, Carly begins to pace the floor in frustration. “He paid a miner off to sabotage Black Ridge, Savannah. But it’s bigger than that, I just don’t have time to sit here and tell you everything. Please, just start packing.” She pleads and the anxiety in her eyes terrifies me.

Springing up off the couch, I go to the hall closet to grab two suitcases and shove one in Carly’s direction. Before we make it to the edge of the steps the back door slams shut. My eyes widen and I stare at Carly with my mouth agape.

“Savannah Marie, where the fuck you at?”

I swallow a lump in my throat as tears sting the back of my eyes. Hearing his voice, just knowing he’s inches from me sends cold chills snaking up my back. Suddenly, I realize it ain’t fear I’m feeling. NO! I’m pissed as hell and strength floods through me urging me to finally stand up and fight back. I drop the suitcase against the hardwood floors and walk over to the bookshelf picking up a tall brass candle holder and gripping it tightly in my hand.

Josh rounds the corner into the foyer and takes in the scene around him. Narrowing his eyes at Carly he grips his fists at his sides and mutters through clenched teeth, “Get the fuck outta my damn house, you fat ass bitch.” Walking past her he glances from the suitcase on the floor to the candle holder in my hand. He tilts his head to the side looking at me strangely before doubling over in laughter. He really is unhinged.

“Goin’ somewhere?” He chuckles as he approaches me. I grit my teeth, widening my feet ready to swing when he’s close within my reach. But Carly makes a stupid mistake, trying to play the hero. Rearing back with all of her might, she co-cocks Josh in the side of the head with so much force she swirls around on the balls of her feet staggering into the wall. “You stupid prick, you’ve hurt her enough!” She yells as she pushes off the wall and swings at him again. Solid as a damn oak tree, he stands firm with each punch she delivers to his face and chest, chuckling with each blow. “I’ll kill you if you touch her again!” She screams landing her fist to the bridge of his nose. Without hesitation, Josh reaches out and latches his steel grip hand around her throat, thrusting her up against the wall. Her eyes widen with fear as she struggles against him.

“Josh PLEASE! She’s pregnant, oh my God, please don’t hurt her.” I beg, but he’s not sympathetic to my pleas. Squeezing her throat tighter in his grip, he shoots me a wicked smile before smashing his fist against her delicate face. He drops her to the floor and steps back, cracking his knuckles.

Taking two wide steps he eyes the candle holder in my hand. I swing at him, but he catches my elbow in his fist, and twists my arm up high behind my back. Searing pain rips through my arm and I bite down on my cheek so hard that I taste bitter metallic as he twists my arm harder. My vision blurs as the hot pain radiates through my shoulder and down my back. Crack! My breathing stops and I fall lifelessly to the floor. I cry out, but my sob is broken as he thrusts the heel of his foot into my ribs repeatedly. Reaching down, he grips my hair in his fist and spits in my face.

“You fuckin’ whore. I told you didn’t I? I hope coal means as much to you as it does your fuckin’ stupid sister because you’re both about to be buried deep in the shit.” He whispers against my cheek. I see movement from the corner of my eye and Josh suddenly falls over top of me. His head snaps to the side and he stares up at Carly as confusion washes over his face. Stumbling up to his feet, he rubs his head swaying dizzily as Carly tries to shove him backwards.

“RUN SAVANNAH!” She yells. I try to force myself to my feet, but my body screams in protest. My right arm hangs limply at my side, and each breath I take feels like fire roils through my chest. I scoot to the corner and pull my cell phone from my pocket to call for help. Josh’s main attention is on Carly and I don’t have time waste. I can’t let him hurt her, but I have to call for help before he kills up both.

I scan through my contacts and my hand shakes nervously as I search for Colton’s number. Pressing send, it rings a few times before going to voicemail. A piercing shriek bellows through the foyer followed by a thud that shakes the wall. Thinking quickly, I dial Luke’s number and as soon as he answers I yell, “HELP!” Dropping the phone I look up in sheer terror at the monster approaching me. Clutching his hands around my throat he lifts me up to eye level, my feet dangling beneath me.

“Say goodnight, beautiful. ‘Cause you’re about to check the fuck out.” He fumes before crashing his lips against mine, kissing me with anger laced passion. This kiss terrifies me. I fight against him, clawing at his face as bile crawls up my throat as his tongue swirls against mine. He bites down on my lip drawing the blood almost instantly, then tears away quickly. He thrusts me up against the wall with so much force that my vision clouds and my eyes roll back. Crashing his fist into the side of my face, my breath stills in my chest as the world falls black around me.

Chapter 33

I pace the hospital floors impatiently waitin’ for anybody to let me know how Savannah and Carly are doin’. I’ve begged and pleaded with the nurse every way I know how, but since I’m not family they can’t release any information. As soon as I saw Savannah’s name flash across the screen of my phone, I knew she was in trouble, but I wasn’t prepared for what I walked into. Seein’ Savannah and Carly laying in two lifeles

s heaps against the hardwood floor nearly ripped my heart from my chest and it’s a memory seared so deep into my brain it will haunt me forever.

Colton rushes through the hallway of the hospital leaving a trail of grainy, black soot in his wake. I sigh in relief seein’ him enter the hospital. He was underground when this shit happened. Nearly knocking me over as he stumbles into me, he grips my shirt in his hands as his empty eyes plead with me. He’s silently searching my face for answers, answers I wish like hell I had. I open my mouth to speak, but the words escape me. Releasing my shirt he steps backwards and rakes his hand through his hair in obvious frustration, a loud tortured cry rattling its way out of his chest. Scrubbin’ his face with his hand, I can see the waves of emotions rollin’ through him. I can’t just stand back and watch him crumble like this.

Claspin’ my hand over his shoulder, I gauge his reaction before pullin’ him into a hug, tryin’ to offer him the strength that he needs. Holdin’ onto me for a brief moment, he pats my back then releases me before steppin’ over to the nurses’ station. I can’t sit still, so I continue to pace the floor keepin’ a close eye on Colton. He barks out at the nurse then punches the top of the counter before stompin’ past me and out the double doors.

I give him a few minutes alone to compose himself before goin’ out to check on him. He’s sittin’ on a bench holdin’ his head in his hands. I take a seat beside him and remain quiet while he sulks. Minutes pass before he finally looks up and the misery that yells from his dark eyes is frightening.

“I’ll kill him. You know that.” He spits through clenched teeth, grippin’ his fists together tightly on his thighs.

“Man, focus on Carly. Let the police handle Josh.” I warn him shakin’ my head. I know he’s pissed, but he ain’t thinkin’ with a clear head. “Think about your family, Colton, before you go off half-cocked.” He stands up, stretches his arms over his head then rolls his head from side to side. I mock his stance, meetin’ him toe to toe.

“Mark my words, Ashton.” He says, pointin’ his dirty finger in my chest. “For every bone he broke, I’ll crush two. His blood will stain my hands and I’ll bask in every damn second of watchin’ that asshole suffer.”

Once they finally have assessed her injuries, they move Carly Jo from the emergency department to labor and delivery for observation. I pull the heavy wooden door back and quietly walk into her room. My heart drops to my stomach and my knees go weak seein’ her curled into a heap in the hospital bed. A sight for sore eyes, I silently praise God that she is alive and safe; but, I’ve never felt so much fury rip through me as I did in this very second. Sittin’ on the side of her bed, I trail the tips of my fingers down the side of her cheek, causin’ her to wake in a state of panic. She peeks up at me through heavily swollen lids and her panic filled eyes soften, hazin’ over with unshed tears. She tries to speak but her throat is swollen from strangulation, so she hiccups a broken sob through her raspy voice. Chokin’ back my frustration, I gently cradle her head softly in my palms, pressin’ a soft kiss to her temple. She leans into my chest, soakin’ my shirt immediately with heavy tears and I cry right along with her. My heart breaks for my beautiful wife. She shouldn’t have endured this, but I’ll avenge her afflictions if it’s the last damn thing I do.

Crawlin’ in the bed beside her, I brush her caramel waves away from her tear stained face, she melts into me allowin’ sleep to claim her once more. I just need to hold her close to me. I take in her injuries through clenched teeth. Her soft face and throat are swollen, black with bruising. Her beautiful sunflower filled irises are blood shot and puffy. She has a small gash on the side of her head, but they were able to stitch it up neatly. A fetal monitor is strapped to her belly and the swooshing sound that quietly fills the room is music to my ears. The baby is perfectly fine, just a little stressed from the external trauma that Carly Jo suffered. Dr. Staton and Kaylee have been by her side since she came in, keeping a close eye on her and the baby. She told me that Carly Jo’s injuries look worse than what they are.

Savannah on the other hand is a totally different story. My God, to look at her, I didn’t even recognize her. She has three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a collapsed lung. The swelling and bruising of her face made her barely recognizable, but the doctor said she’s lucky that her facial bones weren’t broken or dislocated. When she finally came to she was so distraught, thrashing and screaming in obvious terror the doctor had to sedate her just to perform testing. She was admitted to intensive care due to the extensive trauma. Luke is grief stricken. He argued with the staff that although he wasn’t family or a spouse, he was her friend and she needed someone familiar by her side when she finally woke up. Realizin’ that he was right, they relented and allowed him to stay by Savannah’s side.

Carly Jo lets out a small whimper, wincing in her sleep. Shushin’ her, I rub small circles across her belly and lightly kiss her cheek to calm her down. This hospital bed is a tight fit for the two of us, but she’s still in shock and every time my hand leaves her stomach she panics immediately, joltin’ up from her sleep. She’s sub-consciously worried about the baby and finds solace in my touch. I’ll take it. Even if I’m squished up in a tiny bed with my feet hangin’ from the edge. As long as my darlin’ feels safe and is restin’ easy I’ll not leave her side.

My eyes open to a cloudy haze. Pressing my lids together then fluttering them open a few times, I rub my eyes sleepily and wince in pain. SHIT.

Why the hell does my face feel like it’s been smashed repeatedly with a frickin’ meat tenderizer?

A soft swooshing sound fills the room with white noise. The bend of my elbow pinches as I shift in the bed. My eyes scan the room, taking in my surroundings. Small, cold room with a ceiling to floor locker in the corner next to the window. An IV pole stands by the top of the bed with a line connecting to my stiff arm. A chair sits by the bed, empty. The hospital?
