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Sprawled on the bed totally naked, she looked dazedly up into his grinning face, registering the black hair flopping over his brow, the smouldering eyes, and the wickedly mas­culine mouth. He was utterly gorgeous and he was hers. Her eyes roamed leisurely down the naked length of him and only then did the import of his words sink in.

"No, I don't think so,' she squeaked. Of course he had used protection—it was nothing to he embarrassed about, in fact she should be grateful, but it did not stop her blushing scarlet and dragging the sheet up over her naked body.

Jake let out a bark of laughter. "You're incredible—sex on legs and verbal with it, and yet you blush like a school­girl.' He shook his dark head. "That is some trick.' And he headed for the bathroom

Charlie didn't know whether to be flattered because he thought she was incredible and sexy, or affronted because he thought her blushing was a trick. If only, she thought ruefully. Blushing was the bane of her life. Perhaps now she was truly a woman the blushing would cease, and that led her to another thought. How come Jake hadn't realised he was her first lover? Not that it mattered; she was quite flat­tered that he seemed to think she was experienced. She had a sneaking suspicion that if he had known the truth he would not have touched her, and it crossed her mind to wonder how old he was. Mid thirties, she guessed, with a great body. A body she now knew in every intimate detail, à reminiscent smile curved her soft mouth that quickly changed into a triumphant grin. At last she was truly a woman—Jake's woman, she thought, a sense of euphoria sweeping through her. The sheet forgotten, she punched her arms up in the air. "Yes, yes, yes!'

Jake strode hack into the bedroom, a towelling robe tied loosely around his waist, and stopped. With her blonde hair cascading down her back, natural he now knew, and her beautiful face devoid of make-up she was punching the air like some crazed cheerleader when her team scared a goal.

She was the most naturally sexy woman he had ever known, and he was a long way from finished with her yet. But she looked about sixteen, and he found himself grin­ning. 'Is that yes for me?' he asked with a chuckle, which quickly turned into a shout of laughter as her startled blue eyes swung towards him, and she dived back beneath the covers.

'No. Yes. I mean, maybe ' Charlie babbled, appalled he had caught her acting like an idiot instead of the sophisti­cated lady she wanted to appear.

'Well, make your mind up, cara,' Jake prompted. I’m hungry ' It wasn't food he had in mind with her beautiful hair spread across the pillow, and her face scarlet with em­barrassment he had the oddest urge to protect her—and, as the instant stirring in his groin reminded him every which way.

The thought disturbed him and his heavy brows drew to­gether in a frown. His initial plan had been simply to get Charlotte into bed and then dismiss her. But it hadn't worked out quite like that. With her exquisite body shud­dering beneath him, her silken sheath so hot, so tight, the restraint he had imposed upon himself had deserted him completely. A captive to his own desire, he had taken her with a driven power he was helpless to control, and when she had convulsed around him, sobbing his name, he had gone with her, something that rarely happened to him.

Even now he was itching to slip back into bed beside her and start all over again. No wonder Anna had been so be­sotted with Robert Summerville. If the man had been any­thing like the natural-born sensualist his daughter was, it was not surprising Anna had become addicted to the man.

Remembering Anna and the way Charlotte had hurt her by refusing to meet her stopped Jake in his tracks. The Charlotte he had spent the day with and just made love to didn't seem to be a selfish bitch, but then experience had taught him women were great deceivers.

'I'll go and order dinner. Join me when you're ready,' Jake said bluntly, and, spinning on his heel, he left the room.

Charlie stared at his back, shocked by his abrupt depar­ture. She had behaved like an overgrown schoolgirl. No wonder Jake had opted for food. Still, the night was young, she thought, a secret smile curving her swollen lips, and Jake was her lover. She stretched in preparation of rising from the bed. A shower, food, and Jake again... sounded good. Rolling out of bed, she collected her clothes and headed for the bathroom.

It was a splendid bathroom, all veined white marble and mirrors, with a huge glass-fronted shower stall. Reaching into the stall, she turned on the taps. With the water running at a comfortable temperature, she rifled among the luxurious toiletries provided and found aromatherapy soap. A touch of pampering was just what she needed, Charlie told herself, and stepped under the soothing spray, a deep sigh of satis­faction escaping her.

So this was love. She sighed, let her head fall back and closed her eyes, and began slowly lathering her arms, shoul­ders, and her firm breasts. She stroked the tender skin, and revived the memory of Jake touching her there—every­where—and the incredible power of his passion, and she almost groaned.

Jake tipped the bellboy, and strode back into the bedroom. The bed was empty, and inexplicably his stomach knotted painfully, and his eyes darkened angrily. She was gone. Then he heard the sound of running water, and common sense prevailed. Of course she was in the shower.

For a moment there he hadn't been thinking straight, but now he was. Silently he entered the en suite, and for a mo­ment was disorientated, his body tensing at the sight of Charlotte's silhouette reflected several times over in the mir­rored walls. Then he saw her behind the glass screen. Her head was thrown back, her hair falling wet and sleek down her back, and her hands were running over her breasts, her body. He had never seen anything more erotic in his life, but it was the look of sensual pleasure on her beautiful face that aroused him with gut-wrenching speed.

Charlie didn't hear the bathroom door open. The first in­timation she had she was not alone was when a husky voice declared from behind her, 'Allow me.'

Her eyes flew open and she spun around, her feet slipping on the tiled floor, and only Jake's arm around her waist saved her from falling. 'What are you doing?' she ex­claimed. He was naked, the water flattening his black hair into a sleek cap, and his dark eye

s burnt with sensual prom­ise.

'Just what you were doing, my sweet Charlotte.' Some­how he had the soap in his hand and was rubbing it against her breasts. 'Washing you.' He dropped the soap and his hand began to lather the soft bubbles over her swelling breasts. 'Now, isn't that better?' Jake growled.

'Oh, yes,' Charlie sighed. Her body was hot, and it had nothing to do with the water, and everything to do with a naked Jake pressing her back against the cubicle wall, his hands administering a leisurely soaping to her quivering body. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen, and the straining peaks tautened into hard points of aching need. 'Don't stop.'

With a throaty laugh Jake bent his head, and took her softly parted lips with a leashed hunger that quickly deep­ened into a hard, possessive kiss. 'I am not going to,' he rasped, and, with all pretence of washing gone, he lifted her bodily and placed her legs around his lean waist.

'No, I'll fall,' she squealed, and grabbed for his head, linking her arms around his neck. But she didn't fall as his strong hands cupped her hips and in one smooth thrust he filled her. Her eyes closed and her head fell back as her legs locked around him, his swift possession engulfing her quiv­ering body in a wave of crazy excitement.

Jake growled low in his throat. Passion riding him, he drove hard and fast, and cried out her name as he climaxed with embarrassing speed. Her body shuddered in convulsive ecstasy around him, draining him to the core.

Gently he steadied her on her feet, his hands almost span­ning her slender waist. She was looking up at him, her gor­geous blue eyes dilated with shock. 'I shouldn't have done that,' he murmured.

'In the shower,' Charlie breathed incredulously. 'I didn't know you could,' she added, dazed but happy.

'Apparently around you, anywhere will do,' Jake re­marked, realizing she was nowhere near as experienced as he had thought if she had never shared a shower with a man. Suddenly he wondered just how much she had shared with other men as he recalled her pained gasp the first time they had sex. The uneasy feeling he might have just made a huge mistake made his hands tighten involuntarily around her waist, and he surveyed her with a frown. Her incredible blue eyes were sparkling cheekily up at him, and she had the sexiest body he had ever seen. No, it wasn't possible.

He shook his dark head, dismissing she notion. 'Actually, I came to tell you dinner had arrived, but I got distracted.'

'You and me both.' Charlie quipped, and reached up to press a kiss on his jaw. 'But now get out and let me get dried and dressed.' The fact that Jake could be overcome with passion for her made her proud, and fed her confidence in herself as a woman.
