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He grinned at her. “If I win the next game, then I get to take you home. And I get something I’ve been wanting all night.”

She arched an eyebrow. Now this was intriguing. “And that would be?”

Nicholas’ eyes flicked from her face to her breasts, then back again. “I want to fuck your tits.”

Gemma choked so hard on her beer that it almost came out her nose. She snorted, giggled, and covered her face with her hand until she’d recovered enough to respond. Her face was as red as her hair.

“Jesus, Nicholas! Keep your voice down!”

“Sorry,” he said, although he clearly wasn’t. “And please, call me Nick.” He licked his lips. “What did you want to wager?”

Gemma swallowed the last of her beer. She looked over her shoulder toward the door at the other prize she’d been eyeing all night, and then back at Nicholas. “Do you really wanna know?”

It was Nick’s turn to raise his brows. “Is it kinky, or expensive?”

“Kinky,” she answered, the red flare returning to her cheeks.

His stare could have set her on fire. “Then yes.”

Gemma leaned over the table toward him, beckoning him closer. As Nick bent to meet her, she whispered into his ear:

“Those guys you came in with?” she began, referencing the two burly men hovering near a table full of women. They appeared to be chatting them up, but it didn’t seem to be working. Gemma bit her cranberry-colored lip. “If I win, then I want to bring them home with us, too.”

Nick turned his face so that their noses nearly touched. His eyes were wide, but he seemed less judgmental and more fascinated by her demands. “You… what?”

“I wanna bring them back to my place,” she repeated, her hands slowly sliding along his arms. “I wanna have them fuck me on my bed as hard as they can… and since you’d be the loser in this scenario, you could only watch.”

Nick swallowed hard. He glanced over at his friends and shifted uncomfortably. “Are you sure, Gemma? The three of us can be… er… a lot to handle.”

Gemma nodded, staring into his eyes. She was most definitely sure. “I’m not exactly easy prey, myself,” she whispered.

For a moment, something like amusement passed over Nick’s face. But then he nodded. “We’ll see.”

Gemma grinned as she set up the balls on the table. “And if I win, seeing is about all you’ll be doing.”

“Very funny,” Nick said, his luscious lips curled into a smile.

The game was the most intense match Gemma had ever played. Nick was quiet for most of it, which made shaking his resolve with trash talk a little difficult. He seemed so focused on her defeat, so dead-set on being the only man to claim her that night, and she wondered if she hadn’t bit off a little more than she could chew. Obviously, the beer had made her brave. Could she really take home three men, all of them strangers, and fuck them all at once?

She didn’t have much more time to think about it. They were tied, and Gemma was lining up her last shot.

“So,” Nick said, possibly hoping to distract her, “you do this kind of thing often?”

She shrugged, but her stick didn’t waver. “Not really. But I get the idea a hot guy like you needs to be taken down a peg. And let it never be said that I don’t have a sense of adventure.”

Nick ran a hand through his chestnut hair and grinned. “You think I’m hot, huh?”

Gemma couldn’t contain her smile as she met his eyes over her pool cue. “Yes,” she answered. “Well, for a loser, anyway.”

She stabbed at the cue ball, then watched both anxiously and with great pride as she sank three balls in quick succession, ending the game in her favor.

She blew the chalk off the end of her pool cue like smoke from the barrel of a gun, then smirked at Nick.

“I win,” was all she said.

“I know,” he growled in reply.

Gemma regarded him with a frown. That growl had sent a shiver up her spine, but it also made her a little nervous. “You’re not pissed, are you?”
