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“I’m fine,” Nick said, although he did look a little disappointed. His eyes smoldered as he looked her over with both admiration and annoyance. She guessed she’d struck a blow to his ego. “A deal’s a deal.”

Gemma racked her cue then turned back to him, hesitating for a moment as she shot a glance toward his friends. They were both ridiculously hot, too, but she wondered if she wasn’t pushing her luck. “If it’s going to be a problem between you three, then—”

“No,” Nick said, staring her down. “I honor my bets. If I had won, I would’ve expected you to honor yours.”

A rush of heat settled between her legs. She could only imagine what Nick had planned for her in the case of his victory. There was something strangely primal about him, and she got the impression that he wouldn’t pull any punches behind closed doors.

For a moment, she let her mind drift into warm, lustful waters where Nick was holding her down on her bed. Her ass was in the air and pressed against his crotch as he thrust inside of her, the sound of their flesh meeting again and again filling her bedroom like a symphony. Secretly, she longed for a man to take control of her that way. She was all girl-power in public, but in private, she liked to surrender. She’d just never found anyone who could make her submit, and now she wondered if three muscular, almost downright bestial men would do the trick.

Gemma watched Nick as he racked his own cue next to hers. The heat from his body gave her goosebumps, but it didn’t last long. Soon he’d left her side to approach his friends, stealing them away from the table full of half-interested women and speaking to them in hushed tones near one of the booths.

Gemma tried not to look at them too often, but it seemed like every time she stole a glance, they were staring right back at her. One time, she saw one of them licking his lips, clearly undressing her with his eyes as she leaned against the pool table.

Then Nick returned, placing a hand on either side of Gemma and curling his fingers against the green felt.

“They’re in,” he breathed against her ear, and she let a little moan escape in reply. “But I’m warning you, Gemma. We’re not like other men you’ve brought home from the bar. The things we’ll do to you…”

He trailed off, and Gemma’s mind scrambled to fill in the blanks. Nervousness fluttered in her belly, but she set her jaw and tried hard not to let it show.

“The things they’ll do to me,” she reminded him, although her voice wavered. “You’re sitting this one out. Remember?”

Nick looked down at her. “Even so, you really have no earthly idea what you’re in for.”

“Then it’s a good thing you’ll be there to protect me,” Gemma answered. She batted her lashes at him in time to the too-quick beating of her heart. “You will protect me, Nick. Won’t you?”

For a moment, he didn’t answer. When he did, it sent shivers down her spine.

“As if you were my own,” he told her.

Gemma couldn’t help herself any longer. She leaned up on her tip toes and kissed Nick long and hard on the mouth, letting his fire consume her. Then, before she could second-guess her plan once again, she yanked him out of the bar and into the cool night air.

On the drive bac

k home, Gemma blasted the local rock station while she kept watch on the car behind her in her rearview mirror. Nick was driving, and she could practically feel the heat of his stare boring right into her soul. There was something about him that made her tremble all over, and as both her car and theirs turned into her driveway, she realized for the first time what she was about to do.

She was about to invite three strangers inside her home and presumably fuck their brains out. Sure, she’d put on a show for Nick and demanded he honor their bet, but the truth was that she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him when the time came. This kind of rampant lust both thrilled and scared her. What was it about these men that made her throw caution to the wind?

She could hear them laughing amongst themselves before she even got her car door shut. They practically leaped out of their vehicle, all of them regarding Gemma with dark, hungry eyes. She looked each of them over as Nick introduced them.

“Gemma, this is Caleb and Josh,” he said, pointing them out. Caleb was the tallest with short, meticulously-combed blond hair and shoulders the size of Gemma’s whole head. He was wearing a black wool pea coat, Gemma noticed the way his muscles rippled beneath it as he reached out to shake her hand.

“Nice to meet you,” he said. When their skin touched, she felt a little spark. She felt another as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, then inhaled deeply.

Gemma blinked. Was he sniffing her?

Josh was a little burlier than Nick and Caleb were. He was built like a linebacker—Gemma wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d played that exact position in high school. His hair hung in long, silken waves near his shoulders, and he kept a trim beard that was just a little longer than Nick’s was. It was his silvery eyes that really drew her attention, though. She’d never seen anyone with eyes that color before.

“It’s a pleasure,” Josh said with a roguish grin. Gemma bit her lip as he stole her other hand and lightly brushed his finger against the inside of her wrist. They were all so gentle with her, and yet so strong.

“Likewise,” she said. It was about the only word she could muster. Looking at these three gorgeous men left her breathless.

“So, you’re the kind of girl who needs three men to tame her, huh?” Caleb said, his eyes roaming over her curves. “Do you do this kind of thing often, Gemma?”

An uncomfortable silence descended over them. Josh and Nick both gave Caleb looks that, if they were lethal, would have blown him to bits. Gemma blushed.

“You’re my firsts,” she said, finally breaking the tension. “At least, for this arrangement.” Then she turned around and walked into her house, her heart pounding a mile a minute in her ears.

She set her keys on the table and looked back at the men uncertainly. She didn’t know whether she should offer them something to drink or get right to it, or what. She’d never been in a situation like this before, and despite her ever-growing lust for the men, Gemma still felt like she was at a disadvantage among them.
