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Of course, she could also plunge too deep and suffer the consequences.

But as Jose's eyes continued to flash and his fingers brushed her skin, Victoria made her decision—it was time to jump. "I have one more question before I give my answer."

"What is it?"

"Will your dragon always be in control during the frenzy, or will you come out, too?"

A determined glint in his eyes flared. "Oh, I'll be coming out. Even if I have to fucking battle my dragon inside my head and toss him into a mental prison—it's a temporary way to keep him contained inside my mind—I'll do it. I'll be damned if he is the only one to enjoy your luscious body."

Making a mental prison to contain his inner beast? There was so much for Victoria to learn.

But she pushed it aside. If everything went right, she'd have plenty of time later to ask anything she wanted. Right now, it was time to stop stalling. She'd signed up for this, and even though she had gotten more than she bargained for, she wasn't going to run.

She'd wanted an adventure, and it looked like she was going to get a much bigger one than she'd bargained for.

Victoria maneuvered to straddle his lap and looped her hands behind his neck. "Let your dragon out. I'd rather meet him at first than be surprised later."

She expected Jose to be thrilled, but he frowned. "That means the bastard will get you first."

Tilting her head, she asked, "But I thought you were one and the same?"

"We are, but we're also competitive as hell. And I don't like to lose."

She smiled. "That just made things more interesting. A competition between you two? Does that mean I'm the final judge?"

"Don't encourage him," he said with a grunt.

Laughing, she moved even closer to him, until her bra-covered breasts brushed his hard chest. "Let him out so we can get this started."

He lightly caressed her lower back. "My brave human."

For a few beats, they stared into one another's eyes and Victoria stopped breathing. Jose's pupils kept flashing, but the look of hunger and wanting never vanished.

Somehow, someway, this dragonman wanted her, and only her. Badly.

It took everything she had not to start riding his pants-covered cock. This dragon-shifter was fast becoming an addiction.

His voice finally broke the spell. "Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can wrangle control away from him again, Tori," he murmured before his pupils slitted and stayed that way.

And she waited to see what happened.

Chapter Five

Jose had wanted to be the one to claim Victoria first. But when she asked for him to let his dragon out and get it over with, he couldn't deny her.

It was, after all, a smart plan. Deal with the dragon and then there wouldn't be any surprises.

However, as he let his dragon to the forefront of his mind, he still glowered and muttered to his dragon, Don't be stingy.

She wanted me, so she's going to get me. For a while.

Fucking dragon. Jose only hoped his beast was riling him up on purpose and not speaking the truth. Because if he was, Jose would have a mental battle on his hands soon enough.

His dragon threaded their hand through Victoria's hair and growled, "My human is pretty, and wet, and waiting. I want you, to kiss you, to fuck you, to claim you." He moved closer. "Now."

Victoria searched his gaze and one corner of her mouth ticked up. "So, you have no filter, then?"

The fact his human was amused made Jose relax a little. His dragon frowned. "No, that's a human trait. I want you now. Why hide it?" He pulled her head closer until their lips were a hairsbreadth away. "Say yes."
