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“I’m glad you’re happy.”

“You don’t sound happy. This is the first time I think we’ve ever spoken when you’ve been away with a family.”

“You know I can’t talk about it. I’m just really pleased to hear that everything is working out for you.”

“It really is. Oh, that other guy you worked for, Richard, Ryan…”


“Yeah, he’s been around and asked if I’d get you to call him. He’s kind of cute, but he looks so stressed out.”

“This will be my last job as a nanny, I think.”

“Really? You love kids.”

“I know, but I never get time to do my own thing. I want to find the time to have a family of my own.” She had always wanted it, and like every other time, she’d put it on hold as the family she’d been taking care of needed her.

“You’ll get it, honey. I know you will. I’ve got to cut our little chat short. I’ve got another interview. Speak later, sweetie.”

Temperance said her goodbyes and placed the phone back in her bag, moving closer to the two men that were wreaking havoc with her emotions, and neither of them even saw what they were doing to her.

Ignoring that inner pain inside her head that warned her to keep her heart out of it, she placed a smile on her face and took a seat.

“So, Captains, what can I do?” she asked, giving her best pirate impression.

“We need shells,” Timothy said. “Lots and lots of shells.”

“Today, that is my mission. I’ll be back.” She grabbed a bucket and rushed toward the shore. She began to collect only the fullest of shells, ones that stood out and would look amazing for the castle.

The sun caught her attention, and she looked out over the ocean. The day was warm and beautiful, the ocean still and calm as it lapped at her feet.

Closing her eyes, she faced up toward the sun, just having a few quiet moments to herself. That, of course, didn’t last. Hands wrapped around her waist, and a kiss went to her shoulder.

“You’re a beautiful sight to see on the beach, baby. What’s up?”


“How was your friend?” he asked.

She laughed. “She’s getting more work since our little scandal. Also, Robert’s been back. He wants me to work for him again. It must really be driving him crazy.” She pulled out of Wayne’s arms and bent down, picking up a shell. Wayne caught her hand and pulled her close.

“No man has ever tempted you to break the rules before?”

“I told you. This is the first time I’m breaking every single one of my rules. I don’t cause scandals.” She glanced over at Timothy, who was occupied with his castle. “He likes you, you know.”

“It amazes me. I usually make kids cry.”

“Are those the kids inside adult bodies who work for you?”

She went to pull away, but he wouldn’t let go of her hand.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Dance with me.”

“There’s no music.”

“Timothy,” he said, calling toward the boy. “Sing for us.”

Of course, the four-year-old boy burst into a cartoon song and Temperance threw her head back, laughing so hard. Still, Wayne wasn’t deterred. He held her close, and they began to dance with the ocean water lapping at their feet.

“You are so beautiful,” he said.

“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Really? I’ve been thinking of dyeing my hair. You know, putting in some highlights.”

“Well, well, well, who would have thought that old man Myers could tell a joke.”

“Old man, please. I’m in my prime.”

“Very true.”

“Besides, I’ve got my eye set on this thirty-something nanny. Do you think she’d go out with me?” he asked.

“I think she might be tempted.” She liked him like this, the playful side that she didn’t imagine for a second that many people got to see.

“Well, how could I tempt her then?” he asked.

“You’ll have to try and figure it out.”

“Will chocolates work?”

She shook her head. “Nah, chocolates are nice but no way to win over a heart.”

“Ah, so you’re admitting it’s not going to be easy work?”

“Nothing worth keeping is ever easy, Wayne.” She held onto the back of his neck, staring into his eyes. “I like truth and honesty. I don’t like lies.” She pressed a kiss to his lips. “That’s how you can win me.” She grabbed the bucket from the sand. “You can also help me collect some amazing shells.”

He did exactly that, and her heart raced as she watched him. If he gave Timothy a shot, they could really make a real go of it.

Wayne was such a good person, and she knew without a doubt that he’d make an amazing father as well.

Throughout the hour, the weather turned. The sunshine disappeared, and in its place was nothing but rain.

Laughing, screaming, and rushing back to the villa, they all got dried and spent the rest of the night just having a pig-out on the sofa while watching cartoons. Timothy fell asleep between them.

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