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With a little bit of distance, Ivy wondered why she'd ever fallen in line within the Knights. There'd been no happiness, no celebrations, nothing but deadlines and fear.

Sure, a small sense of purpose and belonging, but that didn't outweigh the bad.

Stop thinking about the past, Ivy. She couldn't change it, but maybe her future would be better.

She touched the picture of the three kids. While it wasn't a guarantee, if the kids visited again, then it'd be nice to spend some time with people who didn't hate her entire existence for once. And maybe, she could finally smile for a little while, too.

Chapter Seven

Zain laid down

the printed documents on the table and curled his fingers into a fist. To his boss, Kai, he muttered, "The fucking Knights have infiltrated the Cumbria police, too."

Cumbria was the county where the Lake District, which included Stonefire, was located in England. Although they were far from the only constabulary with dragon-hating sympathies. The list was longer than Zain liked, by quite a bit.

One of the other Protectors in the room—Nikki Gray, who was Kai's second-in-command—huffed. "I suspected one or two of them didn't like us. At least, in my experience, they were dismissive and condescending, as if talking with me was a waste of time. But I didn't think they'd be full-on working with a group out to eradicate us. It feels wrong keeping this knowledge in-house."

Zain stated, "But we can't tell the DDA, at least not until we know for sure if Ivy's warning is true or not."

Nikki tapped her chin. "Maybe we can't tell someone at random, but I'm sure Evie knows a few people we can trust. And Bram could probably reach out to the DDA Director. I can't imagine Rosalind Abbott being in league with the Knights, not given how hard she's been fighting for our rights and acceptance."

Kai finally raised a hand to stop their conversation and spoke. "Right now, we're not reaching out to anybody." He met Zain's gaze. "Whilst we verify some of the contents of the files, I want you to spend more time with the human. It's entirely possible she's the best actor in the world and is feeding us the information we want to hear."

It was a possibility, certainly, although both Zain's gut and dragon said she wasn't that nefarious. Still, he asked, "What about her brother's murder? Do you think she would be part of that, too?"

Kai raised his blond eyebrows. "It wouldn't surprise me if some of the Knights would sacrifice their family members for a greater cause."

Zain tried to imagine Ivy suggesting they murder her brother so that the dragon-shifters would believe her.

But then he remembered the tears in her eyes, the defeated slump of her shoulders, and the hovering regret that flashed in her eyes when she thought no one was looking. He never would've believed he'd defend the human, but Zain said, "I don't think she suggested or agreed with that plan. I've been watching her on the video feed for nearly two weeks, and when she's alone, she always looks sad. Considering she has no idea we have a camera inside her room, you would think that she'd lower her guard when she's alone."

Leaning back in his chair, Kai's pupils flashed before he replied, "Watching from a video feed might not be enough. Especially since there have been plenty of human spies who've lived a life of lies for decades, never letting down their facades. It's entirely possible she's doing that, too, with a highly developed persona." Kai paused a second before adding, "However, there's a better way to determine if she's telling the truth or merely acting."

Zain didn't like the glint in Kai's eyes. "I know you have a plan, so just tell us what it is already."

Kai tapped his fingers on the table. "Take her as your mate, live with her, and figure out the truth."

Zain's mouth dropped open as he tried to process Kai's words. Dragon-shifters took matings seriously, and divorce was difficult. Not to mention if he aligned himself with Ivy, a good portion of the clan would probably turn their backs on him.

It was a hell of a lot to ask of him for an assignment that might not give them the answers or proof they needed.

When he finally made his mouth work again, Zain growled, "I know you and Jane have made comments about me finding a mate of my own, but this is fucking ridiculous."

Nikki leaned forward and said, "It's a brilliant idea, though. You could find out all she knows, watch her closely to see if she's being genuine or not, and not even Dr. Sid could limit your time at her side like she can now. Unless your reputation and popularity are more important to you than discovering the key to take down one of our enemies?"

Zain narrowed his eyes at Nikki. The female could lay it on thick when she tried. "Would you mate a former Dragon Knight or dragon hunter just to get information?"

She waved a hand in dismissal. "That's a moot point, isn't it? I'm already mated and have a daughter to boot. I'm most definitely off the market."

He was tempted to challenge Nikki to a set of grueling flight routines so he could kick her arse in the only way her human mate would allow.

Kai rapped the table with his knuckles. "This isn't about Nikki. I could ask one of the other Protectors, but you're the most skilled at reading body language, not to mention my top interrogator. And the human is getting more comfortable around you, too. Face it—this is the best option, and you know it. Besides, it's not like you'd have to fuck her, just live with her."

His dragon perked up. Why wouldn't we fuck her? That's the best part of mating—to always have a sex partner.

Whilst you may be on board to sleep with anything that has a vagina, I have some standards. Murderous zealots are most definitely not part of them.

Kai's voice prevented Zain's dragon from replying. "Just think about it. I'll ask you again tomorrow and make plans from there."
