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Would a day really change his reaction and heart? Not really.

However, while he'd like to deny it with all he had, the plan was his best chance at finding out everything concerning Ivy Passmore.

And the sooner he did that, the sooner his clan could plan to dismantle and destroy the Dragon Knights once and for all.

In other words, to complete his mission, he'd have to sacrifice his own wishes for a little while. And it wasn't as if it was permanent. He could eventually obtain a divorce.

As for being shunned, once he could reveal his role and the reason for doing it—to take down and end the fear surrounding one of their enemies—the clan members who ostracized him would welcome him back again.

His dragon grunted. If they don't stand by us during the tough times, then why bother with them later?

So I tell Kai no then? Being shunned isn't the easiest thing to endure when you're supposed to protect the entire clan.

We can still do our job. And it's not as if you are Mister Social Butterfly to begin with.

Zain mentally sighed. You're going to keep going until I agree to this, aren't you?

Of course. Besides, think of it this way—having Ivy around is one step closer to sleeping with a female than where we are now.

And people thought human males thought about sex all the time. Inner dragons were so much worse.

Before his beast could say a word—let alone before Zain lost his resolve—he blurted, "I'll do it. Although I have a few conditions."

Kai bobbed his head. "Then let's hear them."

As Zain ran through what he wanted, he tried to ignore the small ball of anticipation buzzing around his stomach.

Not because he was looking forward to mating the female. No, that was bloody ridiculous. It was for the ultimate goal of taking down a long-time enemy, and nothing more.

Ivy had just finished her lunch—what she wouldn't give to have a pizza or curry again instead of the soft, bland cuisine they fed her—when someone knocked on the door. Fully expecting Dr. Sid or Dr. Innes, she said, "Come in."

The door opened, revealing a tall woman with olive skin, brown eyes, and black hair down to her waist. A slightly different but familiar style of tattoo peeked out from her short-sleeved top. Before she could stop herself, Ivy asked, "Are you a dragon-shifter?"

The woman smiled, nodded, and shut the door behind her. "Yes, I am. My name is Dr. Serafina Rossi."

Her English was perfect but slightly accented. Combined with her name and looks, Ivy guessed she was from Italy. "Another doctor? Well, what are you here for then? I don't think there's much more blood left in me to draw."

"No, I'm not that kind of doctor." She took a step closer to Ivy's bed. "I'm a psychologist."

Ivy had never really thought much about shrinks before she'd been lured in by the Friends of the World. But given those therapists had brainwashed her into joining the Dragon Knights, Ivy assessed the woman warily

. "I don't need your help."

Serafina tilted her head. "I expected you to say that."

She studied the other woman. "Then why are you here?"

The dragonwoman shrugged. "I've been working with Zain on your case and felt it was time for me to talk with you."

She'd suspected people talked about her behind her back, but it appeared people were doing more than merely gossiping. Ivy asked, "Why now? I've been awake for nearly two weeks."

Serafina raised her dark brows. "Would you have listened to me during the first few days?"

"No," she mumbled.

"Right, so I waited, watched, and listened. You've come far in such a short time, but your life will have many more changes soon, so I thought we should chat."

She searched the dragonwoman's gaze. "What changes?"
