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“What happened?” I sit up fast, blinking as I swipe a hand across my mouth, hoping I wasn’t drooling while I was passed out.

“I called Jamison and he said to leave his car parked by the bridge and he’d come pick it up tomorrow,” Jake says, his lips hooking up on one side. “And you were right, he was very gracious about the knuckle sandwich. Though he did assure me that I’m buying wings and beer every Sunday until we’re at least fifty.”

“Seems fair.” I swipe a finger beneath my eyes that comes away smudged with black. I huff beneath my breath. “Ugh. I’m a mess.”

“You’re beautiful,” Jake murmurs, leaning over to kiss my forehead. “And still an insanely deep sleeper, in case you were wondering.”

“I am not,” I protest. “You’re just a smooth driver.”

“That doesn’t explain how I got that on your finger without you waking up,” he says, reaching for his door handle.

By the time I blink and glance down at my left hand, he’s already out of the truck, circling around to my side. Jaw dropping, I lift my hand, letting the far too large, princess cut stone catch the light streaming from Jake’s front porch.

I’m still dragging my chin off my lap when he opens my door with a big grin and says, “What do you think?”

“I think it’s enormous and you clearly spent way too much money and you’re crazy.” My grin spreads wider as I add in a softer voice, “And I love it and it’s the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen and I’m never ever taking it off.”

“Good,” he says, and then he kisses me, a soft, sweet kiss that promises that as long as we’re together, we’ll always be home.

I sigh against his lips. “Inside. Fire. Marshmallows. No clothes.”

He chuckles as he takes my hand. “Are the marshmallows for s’mores? Or for melting and licking off each other?”

“Both, of course,” I say as I drag him up the stairs.

Later, after we’ve licked melted marshmallow off all our favorite parts of each other, taken a shower, and are eating s’mores in front of the fireplace and watching the snow start to fall outside, I realize I haven’t texted my sister or brother or mother or a single girlfriend, but I don’t feel tempted to get off the couch to grab my phone.

I’ll tell the people I love the good news tomorrow.

Tonight is just for Jake and me. For s’mores and sticky kisses and savoring the start of forever.
