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“Grandma! Is that a flask?! Stop drinking!” I whine, grabbing the bottle from her hands. Jesus! “Everyone, act like an every day, All-American family. Okay?”

“Julie Anne, stop it! We are perfectly capable of being entertainingly witty, and down to earth in front of your boyfriend’s family!” Mom hisses, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Her four thousand dollar earrings say differently. Down to earth people don’t wear four thousand dollar earrings!

“Jules, your mother’s right. Don’t worry. We’re actors! This is what we do!” Dad insists, knocking on the front door. My nerves must be all over the place, because when he knocks, it feels like he’s punching me in my gut.

Lisa is standing next to Olivia, with no Danny in sight. She says he has to work, but doesn’t go into more detail about it, probably because I really don’t care where he is. “So this family…they really believe in the Christmas decorations thing, huh?” she asks, looking around at the decked out yard, with a singing Santa and a six-foot tall snowman planted in the middle of the lawn.

The front door opens and I can’t help but smile when I see Kayden on the other side. “Hey, babe.” He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. “Hey everyone! So happy you’re here.”

Dad walks over and gently smacks Kayden in the arm. “Rumor has it you signed with Simon and Simons Talent Agency in L.A.! That’s brilliant!” Kayden’s smile shows his personal pride and nods as my Dad wraps him in a celebratory hug.

“Yeah, it’s been a good week. Jules’s television pilot premiere is in a few weeks, too. We went to the screening of the first three episodes last weekend. She’s amazing in it.” Kayden is bragging about me and I want to hit him for making me feel so uncomfortable.

“It’s a winter premiere. I’m a side character. The show’s not primetime television, and we aren’t even sure if it will be picked up for the full season. It’s not that amazing,” I say, trying to downplay my excitement over my first ever television role.

Kayden lowers his brows and those green eyes of his lock with my blues. “It’s nothing less than outstanding.” He still makes my cheeks redden, the way he believes in me, the way he supports me no matter what. It’s not long before Kayden’s dad is standing in the front foyer, ready to welcome my family into his home.

“Hi everyone. I’m Steve, welcome! We’re glad you’re here.”

Dad is the first to hold out his hand, “Hi, I’m Matt Stone, and this is my family. Yes, we are famous and yes, we have millions and millions of dollars. But, don’t let those small facts make you think we aren’t just your every day normal family. The only difference is that we poop gold.”

“And drink like fish.” Grandma chimes in, and I giggle watching Mom roll her eyes.

“Mom! Fish don’t drink! What a silly comment,” my mom hisses to Grandma.

“And how do you know that? How do you know fish don’t drink? Did you study fish at some damn point of your life? Do you have a degree in fish lifestyles?” Grandma hollers while pushing her way into the house. “Kayden, where’s the bar?”

“Straight back, to your left.” Kayden gestures into the house. Dad and Steve march off with Grandma, to each grab a drink, and cigar, of their own.

We all enter the house, and the feeling of pressure is still mocking me. Mom looks toward the kitchen, where Kayden’s mother Heather and his Aunt Sally are cooking. “I’m going to go introduce myself and set down this beautiful cake I made.”

“Mom.” I arch an eyebrow and watch as she rolls her eyes at me.

“Okay, the cake that my chef made. Really, Jules. Do you have to be such a freak about the details?”

Out of nowhere, two teenage boys come running through the living room, screaming about video games or something. Sally pokes her head out of the kitchen and hollers toward them. “Boys! I swear if you two wake up your baby brother I will make your lives a living hell! Video games! Upstairs! Now!” Sally runs her hands over her apron, and the smile on her face expands when she looks up to me. “Hey, Jules! Merry Christmas!” She’s quick to move over toward us and introduces herself to Lisa and Olivia.

“It’s nice to meet you, Sally. Whatever you ladies are cooking up in the kitchen smells heavenly.” Lisa grins and is the perfect amount of charming.

“Yeah, that’s no thanks to me. Heather only lets me cut the vegetables. So if you come across a huge chuck of celery in your stuffing—you’re welcome.” Sally winks, and bends down low to look at Olivia. “My daughter Hailey is in the back room watching all of her favorite Disney movies. Do you want to join her?”

Before I can blink, Olivia runs off to the back room.

“So, you’re the girl dating that Danny Everson guy?” Sally asks, and Lisa nods once in reply. “He always seemed like an ass to me.”

“He is,” Both Lisa and I say at the same time.

“Sorry,” I apologize for calling the father of her kid an asshole. But if the shoe fits…

“We broke up.” Lisa confesses in such a nonchalant manner, I almost wonder if she’s serious. “It turns out he found a new co-star to get to know.” She smiles, but I see the tears she’s trying to hold back. I don’t know what to say, because I know how she feels. Crushed. Moving to her, I pull her into a hug, mouthing an apology.

“Everything okay in here?” At the sound of a deep voice, Lisa and I separate in time to see Landon entering the room. Lisa stands tall and shoots Landon her killer ‘I think you’re hot’ smile. Landon smirks when he sees her looking his way. “Is Lisa Stone standing in front of me?”

She holds her hand out toward him, and he’s quick to kiss her palm. Well, if she’s going to hit on a Reece, I’m just happy it’s not Kayden.

“My gawd, Ms. Hollywood. You sure are fast to get over your ex-boyfriend. Come on, to the kitchen to help cook.” Sally wraps my sister’s arm around hers and pulls her away after Lisa flashes Landon one last grin.

“Maybe I can help?” Landon offers, chasing the two toward the kitchen.
