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She placed her other hand on his chest, leaning into him, her heart beating as rapidly as his now. “I’m still scared,” she whispered frankly.

“Me, too,” he said with a crooked smile. “We’ll be scared together.”

“Don’t break my heart,” she warned him, lifting her face to his.

His breath was warm against her lips when he murmured, “I’ll give you mine to hold as collateral.”

“That’ll work,” she said, just before he smothered the words beneath a kiss that went a long way toward healing the pain their split had caused them.

He lifted his head just long enough to say huskily, “I love you, Alexis. I have almost from the start, despite my efforts not to fall for you.”

She smiled through a film of happy tears. “Despite all my best efforts, I love you, too. And suddenly I’m feeling really good about our odds.”

“You should. My sisters swear there’s magic in this place.”

“I’m beginning to believe them,” she said, and drew his mouth to hers again.

They broke apart a long time later when Ninja made a high-pitched whine from a few feet away. They turned together to see him holding a white flower delicately in his teeth, his happy smile gleaming in the soft artificial lighting of the garden. A ribbon of mist swirled around him, almost coalescing into a recognizable shape before slowly dissipating into the night.

Alexis looked quizzically at Logan, wondering if he’d seen what she had. His eyes were a bit wide when he looked back at her, but then he shook his head as if clearing away an errant flight of imagination. Obviously she had been imagining things. She couldn’t even see all that clearly at that distance without her glasses.

Logan kissed her again and she pushed old tales and legends to the back of her mind. She was much more interested in the present, and the happy future she anticipated with Logan Carmichael.

The odds were definitely in their favor here on Bride Mountain.

* * * * *
