Page 90 of The Wedding Report

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“Yeah, I got caught up in the fireworks.” She gestured between them. “We’re friends, so I think we can forget that whatever happened is nothing major.”

So she thought about it? Why did his heart palpitate at the notion? “I… I’m glad it doesn’t have to be awkward.”

She bobbed her head, despite tucking in her upper lip. Was there something she wasn’t telling him?

“Alright class.” The dancing instructor gestured for everyone to gather around. “My name is Carol and I’m excited about tonight.”

Chantelle nudged his shoulder. “You ready?”

Lance flexed his fingers. “Let’s hope so.”

Carol clapped her hands. “Grab your partner, and we will begin with a simple waltz.”

Chantelle turned to face Lance. He inched closer and embraced her waist with one hand. His other hand grasped hers. He caught a whiff of her hair. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact smell, but something with mint in it. Her hand was soft, just as it had been the other night. Lance licked his lips, refusing to look her in the eye.

“Okay so far?” She asked. Was there shakiness in her voice?

He wouldn’t ask. He cleared his throat. “I’m good.”

The music played, and Lance prayed that he didn’t fall. Taking a step forward, he stumbled over his own feet.

“Try again.” Chantelle whispered to him.

Her breath tickled his ear, but he ignored the sensation. “I’d rather leave.” Lance whispered back.

She touched his face with her hand. “Let go, Lance. Don’t think about getting it right. Feel the music.”

“I can’t dance to this.”

“You have something against music that’s not R&B?” She giggled and covered her mouth.

He sighed and clasped her hand tighter. “Okay, I’ll try.”

Carol changed the music. “We’re going to switch things up a bit. Have fun with this one. I’m just trying to get a feel of where everyone is. Consider this a freestyle.”

Chantelle nodded at her and then looked back at him. “Imagine it’s you and Andrea on your wedding day. She’s in her gown and you’re in your tuxedo. You’ve proclaimed your love in front of friends and family. Now, it’s your first dance.”

“Okay.” He stepped forward, this time keeping in sync with the beat of the song.

“You’re doing great.” Chantelle encouraged him. “Just let it flow.”

They glided across the dance floor just as the instructor played Anne Drury’s “One Step.” Chantelle’s eyes maintained eye contact with him. He twirled her around and brought her back to his chest. Then he dipped her, and he heard her breath hitch.

“Nice move,” she said.

He smiled.

Then he stepped backwards, and she followed. Everything around them disappeared. He only saw Chantelle. The purest vision of light he had ever seen. His fingers laced with hers. She held it tight as he led her into the opposite direction. She flowed with his moves effortlessly.

She told him to imagine Andrea. He didn’t. Chantelle was the woman who weakened his knees. After all these years. Heat traveled up his arm as he held her close. She fit into his embrace as if she always belonged.

Was that a slight flush of her skin? Lance then moved closer to erase the distance between them. They swayed back and forth. Her eyes shined, becoming glossy and softening. A slow smile built on Lance’s face. He splayed one hand across her back as they slowed. The song ended.

Then her expression turned pained. She released her grip to his hand and stepped away. Rubbing at her chest as if she were feeling pain, she marched towards the door.

“Is there anything wrong?” Carol asked him. “You two were perfect together.”

“I’ll go check.” Just as Lance approached the front door, a familiar face beamed at him.
