Page 91 of The Wedding Report

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“Hi, Honey.” Andrea smiled. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

His mouth fell open. He held back his gasp but stroked her back. She held him tighter. Lance broke their embrace and moved further into the foyer.

“Why didn’t you tell me you’d be here?” He asked.

She didn’t reply but kissed his lips. She tasted sweet as honey, and Lance almost forgot the affect she had over him. He kissed her back, glad to see her, but pulled back. “Andrea?”

“I wanted to surprise you,” she said. Then she cupped his face. “Are you happy to see me?”

Her words tugged at his heartstrings. Lance kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re here.”

She took his hand, lacing her manicured fingers with his. “We’re in this together.”

Lance pulled her into another embrace. If only he didn’t make eye contact with Chantelle. She stood outside the glass doors as her shoulders slumped. She dropped her head for a moment, but then reentered the building. Lance commended her on her boldness, especially after their dance together.

Chantelle said, “You must be Andrea Williams.”

Andrea smiled. “Yes, I am. And you are?”

She extended her hand. “Chantelle Woods from The Wedding Report.”

Lance watched as the two women in his life shook hands. If only he could disappear.

I’m so glad you could make it. I was about to contact your agent to see about a Skype interview.” Chantelle added.

Andrea giggled. “I know. I’ve been all over the world. Tell you what, why don’t we meet up tomorrow. That way you can talk to Lance and me both.” She beamed as she snuggled into him.

Lance’s stomach hardened.

“That will be perfect. I would love to ask you some individual questions. Will that be alright?” Chantelle asked.

“That will be perfect.” Andrea agreed.

Lance glanced around.

Chantelle cleared her throat. “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. I was only standing in tonight with the dance lessons. Plus, it’s more material for the article. I’m sure Lance will love to continue with you.”

“I love the waltz, Babe,” Andrea said to him. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

He took her hand. “Well, let’s get to it.” His eyes landed to Chantelle. “We’ll see you tomorrow. Will lunch at the house work?”

“That would be great,” she said.

“I can’t wait. It was a pleasure to meet you, Chantelle,” Andrea said.

“Same to you. Goodnight to you both.” Chantelle grabbed her jacket and walked out the door. Andrea intertwined her fingers with Lance, but it only made his chest tighten.


Lance set Andrea’s bags on the full-sized bed of Delta’s Heights’ Bed and Breakfast. Her eyes roamed the room. Though it wasn’t a luxury hotel, guests who stayed at Mr. and Mrs. Duncan’s place never complained. They gave quality service along with home-cooked meals, receiving five star reviews from guests.

Andrea sat on the full-size bed. “This place is... different.”

“Not what you’re used to in New York and LA,” he said, hoping she didn’t hear the bite in his voice. Could he handle Chantelle being in the same room with Andrea?

“Are you okay?” She took off her blazer. “You’ve been quiet.”
