Page 35 of Wish for Love

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Cole’s mood plummeted and his jaw tightened. History could not be repeating itself. It sounded all too familiar though. “Leah? What about her?”

“We hung out not too long ago. I told her we were still friends, but it’s crazy how old feelings can come rushing back. You know how crazy I was about her.”

Cole frowned. “I know you left her too. I was there.”

Seth dismissed his comment with a wave. “I know. You two were practically best friends, but we were kids. I had some growing up to do. Leah’s sweet, funny, and so beautiful.”

Her face imprinted in his mind since the photo shoot. He couldn’t stop staring into her chestnut eyes. They glistened like threads of gold. “Well, I heard her last relationship didn’t go too well.”

His brother nodded. “I know. I didn’t care too much for Brian. You’re lucky he moved before you came back to town.”

Cole’s curiosity rose. “Was he that bad?” Leah hadn’t shared the details of her breakup, so he didn’t press her.

Seth sipped from his glass. “He wasn’t a bad guy, but I think Leah could do better.”

Cole looked downward. “She deserves to be happy.”

“She’s incredible. That’s why I’m taking her out tonight.”

Cole choked. “What?” Leah agreed to go out with Seth? “What do you mean take her out?”

“There’s an outdoor drive-in Movie Theater outside of town. I’m not a fan of those old films, but I remember that Leah is. I’d thought I’d take her out and surprise her. Who knows, we might rekindle something.” Seth grinned.

“You can’t be serious?”

“I am.”

Every muscle in Cole’s body tensed. Jealously swept over him like fire. Yet, he kept his response calm as much as possible. “Maybe you should slow down. I don’t think Leah—”

“All she can say is no.” Seth’s eyebrows drew together. “I forgot how protective you were of her. It’s like she’s your little sister or something.”

“I don’t want you to get your hopes up. What if she doesn’t feel the same way?” Inwardly, Cole winced. Could he take another blow to his heart if she chose Seth over him again? What was there to choose? He hadn’t expressed what he was feeling.

What was he feeling anyway? Cole’s mouth turned down. He wasn’t clueless to his attraction to Leah. Even in high school, he couldn’t resist her bright eyes or deny his own thudding heartbeat every time she came around him.

During their senior year, they had grown closer than ever. She had been so heartbroken over Seth’s departure, that she refused other suitors throughout their last year in high school. Cole’s mouth had dropped when she asked him to be her date to their prom.

“What?” His eyes had bugged.

“I’m serious. I know I’ll have fun with you. I’m not interested in anyone but I don’t want to go alone.” She folded her hands together in a pleading gesture. “Please, Cole. I’ll feel better with you.”

A heavy feeling had overwhelmed his stomach. Yet, he asked, “Are you sure? Wouldn’t people get the wrong idea?”

She inched closer and clasped his arms. “You’re my friend. If anyone asks, we’ll tell the truth.”

That night had been unforgettable. They had paired with Gemma and Chase and had dinner at Caro

l’s Diner. From there, the group danced the night away before Cole escorted Leah back home. She then leaned over and kissed his cheek goodnight.

“You’re such a good friend, Cole,” she said with a beaming face.

Cole had watched her walk into her parents’ house. That night seemed so long ago, but still it brought the current anxiety that gnawed at him sitting at the bar. Friend. That’s what she saw him as. Would that ever change? If she knew how he really felt, would she give him a chance?

What made Seth better than him? Cole dismissed his last thought. He and Seth were two different people in their own right. Cole made a name for himself. People recognized his work round the world, not to mention all his travels he experienced. Still, sometimes his brother’s shadow still hovered over him like a dark cloud. How could he escape it?

Would it be a good idea to tell his brother about his own feelings for Leah? Silly flirtations were one thing, but anything deeper, he didn’t know how she felt. Though it had been years since the first time he tried to pour out his heart to her, Cole could still feel the slight sting of rejection. Her “friend” comment shattered his hopes of wanting more with her. She fit in his embrace when they danced at his studio. Why would she—

Seth’s buzzing cell phone interrupted Cole’s thoughts.
