Page 56 of Wish for Love

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“Are you sure you don’t know what you want?” Gemma asked.

“I don’t want to get it wrong,” she said helplessly.

Gemma sighed. “Not all men are Brian.”

“It’s not him. For a long time, I thought it was, but I was just as responsible as he was. I had this fantasy in my head of what I thought I wanted. I didn’t realize that until recently. I don’t want a man to fulfill my dream-girl fantasies. I want him to love me for me.”

Her friend draped an arm around her shoulder. “All I can tell you is what my mom told me. ‘When the time comes, you’ll know.’”

Chip crawled back to Leah’s lap, and she cuddled him. Gemma rose from her seat.

“I’m going to head home. Need anything?”

“I’m okay. Thanks for hanging out with me.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Leah locked the door after her. With Chip still in her embrace, she walked to her bedroom. Could she enjoy the attention? She didn’t want to lead any of the guys on. They all seemed sweet and sincere in their affections.

She placed Chip on the floor. Tapping her foot, Leah folded her arms across her chest. What could she do? Was Gemma right? Leah threaded her fingers through her low ponytail. Chip barked, and she grinned. She squatted to the floor, and he sprinted to her lap. His tiny paws rested on her knees, so she bowed and kissed the top of his head.

“I think… I’ll go on a date… by myself,” she told her puppy.

Chip wagged his tail, and she gave him one final pat to his back. Standing up, she went to her closet. What would she do by herself? Worry gnawed at her, dreading the date, but she let out a deep breath.

Her outfit of choice? Leah tapped her fingers to her lips, finally spotting her floral jumper. Once dressed, she slipped her feet into her wedged heels. Locking up her house and dropping Chip off at her neighbor’s next door, Leah settled into the driver’s seat.

Her fingers gripped the steering wheel as her chest stuttered. She blew out her cheeks. Her lips quirked up into a smile as she cruised down the road. When she pulled into the parking lot of the outdoor theater, Leah’s eyes lit up. Her eyes gleamed spotting Gigi as the film for the evening. Leah hustled to the snack bar, since the film would start in the next fifteen minutes.

While other patrons watched from their cars, some had blankets lounging on the grass. She didn’t bring a blanket, but there were a few bleachers scattered over the property. She chose the seat on the top level. Crossing her legs at her ankles, she feasted on her butter popcorn.

“This seat taken?” a deep masculine voice asked.

Leah’s head jerked to find Craig gazing at her. She grinned. “Have a seat.”

He stepped up and settled next to her. “You’re not waiting on someone are you?”

She shook her head.

Craig’s eyes lowered to her hands. “Popcorn?”

“Don’t tell Joanna. I earned it this week, especially after the one hundred crunch challenge.”

Craig chuckled. “I won’t. So, you like the old classics?”

“I love them. I’ve never seen you here, but this is my second time out here. Work keeps me busy.”

“My grandmother and I used to watch these movies when I was a kid. Now that she’s gone, I keep up our tradition.”

Leah gave a heavy nod. “I’m sorry.”

“Not to worry. So, who got you into the classics?”

“My dad. He’s a huge fan of the old westerns and war movies. I like the romantic comedies, but this version of Gigi is a musical, so tonight I’m making an exception.”

Craig chuckled. “This was my grandmother’s favorite. I wasn’t one for the musicals either, but I did it for her.”
