Page 63 of Wish for Love

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Seth’s jaw went slack. He cupped her cheek, allowing his thumb to graze her jawline. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Her shoulders drooped, and she avoided eye contact. “You didn’t. I’m a little overwhelmed. Everything’s happening so fast, and I’m trying to process it all. I need time to think things through.”

He released his grip on her hands. Leah rubbed her forearms unsure of what else to say. Did she tell him his brother was the one who had her second-guessing things?

“I’m sorry, Seth.”

He rubbed the back of his head. “I didn’t mean to make things awkward between us.”

She inched closer and swept her hand in his. “I don’t regret one second what happened between us. It’s… we’re different people now. A lot has happened in my life. The man I thought I would marry left me behind. If you can be patient with me—”

He clasped her hand tighter. Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. “Take all the time you need.”

She let out a shaky breath. “Thank you.”

Seth led her back to his truck, opening the door for her. The drive back was silent, and Leah didn’t fill it with useless conversation. What could she say?

Pulling back up to her driveway, she unfastened her seatbelt. She went for the door handle, but his hand on her shoulder stopped her.

“I want you to be happy, Leah.”

Leah glanced over at him. “I want the same for you too.”

“I’ll be out of town for a few days. Think we can talk when I get back?”


He gave a half smile. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Seth.”

After picking Chip up from Mrs. Hartley’s, Leah walked through her front door, not stopping until she reached her bedroom, even as Chip squirmed in her arms. Her puppy licked her chin, and she grinned. Still, she wanted to retreat in her house and never leave. How did she handle all of this? How did she choose?

On one hand, she and Seth shared a romantic history. They could pick up where they left off. Choosing Cole meant walking into the unknown. If they became more than friends, would the transition be smooth or awkward?

Could she handle facing the unknown with Cole? At least with Seth, it brought familiarity and comfort. Leah reclined in bed with Chip crawling beside her.

“What do you think?” she asked her puppy.

Chip barked.

“Thanks for the advice.” She cuddled him closer.

Chapter 19

Twinges of pain made Leah bite the inside of her cheek. Her limbs trembled as she held her side plank. Her oblique muscles tightened. Sweat slid down her neck. If only Joanna would stop for the day, but they had one more minute. Leah focused on the music in the background, but her fatigued muscles quivered.

“Okay ladies, and… rest,” Joanna said.

Leah plopped on her yoga mat. “Wow.” She held her side and released a deep breath.

“Whoever said Pilates is easy, lied,” Kimberly commented. She gulped the water from her bottle.

Celeste swiped the sweat from her face with her cottony towel. “Remind me again why we’re here.”

Leah stretched her arms above her head. “To develop a better lifestyle.”
