Page 64 of Wish for Love

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“I would kill for one of Miss. Adele’s chocolate muffins,” Kimberly said. She licked her lips.

Celeste covered her ears as if to block her out. “Don’t do that to me. I’m trying to be good here.”

Leah laughed. She felt the pleasant burn of having worked her muscles. She grabbed a few antibacterial wipes and passed them to Kimberly and Celeste. She cleaned off her mat. “I will say that sounds great right about now. I think we’ve earned it.”

Kimberly raised her hand. “I second the motion. We’ve earned it.”

Celeste cocked her head toward the group. “Fine, I guess we did, but don’t let Joanna see us.”

The ladies packed up their yoga mats and headed for the door.


She turned to find Craig striding toward her. Kimberly and Celeste waited for her by the shop area.

“Hi, Craig.”

“Had a good workout today?”

She still felt the evidence in her core. “I did, and you can thank Joanna for that.”

“I don’t mean to keep you, but I was hoping you’d join me tonight at Mack’s BBQ. My treat since we’ve agreed to stay friends. I wanted to show you I was serious.”

“That would be nice. I’d love to.”

“I’ll meet you at seven. That work?”

“I’ll see you then.”

Craig touched her forearm before he pivoted to walk away. Leah twirled around to find Kimberly and Celeste staring at her.

“What?” Leah asked. She exited the front door, only to have them trail behind her.

“Care to share?” Kimberly asked. She tossed her long blonde hair to the side.

“No, why?”

“Craig seemed a little taken with you,” Kimberly said.

“Would you two be alright if we stopped by Tyler’s coffeehouse? I’ve been craving a caramel Frappuccino,” Celeste interjected.

“Do the calories still count if you’re only drinking them?” Kimberly wondered.

Leah laughed. “Let’s go.”

They crossed the street and strolled to Tyler’s Coffee House. Local artists had painted the garbage cans to make them more appealing. Pedestrians moseyed along walking their dogs and pushing strollers, stopping along to talk to those they knew.

When Leah smelled the bitterness of coffee, she lifted her chin to see Tyler’s business sign. The door chimed above them as they entered. The tingle of cinnamon, chai teas, and mulled ciders filled her nostrils. She eyed the long counter stacked with chrome espresso and frothing machines. A glass case holding a selection of snacks from breakfast muffins, sandwiches, and pastries had her stomach growling.

Kimberly settled at one of the bistro tables. Leah and Celeste followed, taking the other available two seats. Leah relaxed in a padded iron chair, draping her yoga mat on its back.


Her head jerked to Tyler, who walked over to their table.

Leah replied, “Hi, Tyler. We were getting settled before ordering.”

His prominent cheekbones showed from smiling. “I can get whatever you need. What would you ladies like today?”
