Page 77 of Wish for Love

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Leah clutched her cell as her free hand rubbed her forehead. Was that a rustling noise she heard? “I was at the library. He was there, and before I knew it—”

“Wow. I can’t believe it! I’m so happy for you,” Gemma shrieked.

“No, it only complicates things with, Seth.”

“You haven’t talked to him yet?”

“I’ve been meaning to, but between me designing a new wedding dress for April and my website taking off, I—”

“Wait, a minute. Your website? The new photos worked?”

Leah bobbed her head. “It did, and even foot traffic has increased at my store.”

“I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you.”

Her friend asked, “So, what are you going to do?”

“I need to talk to Seth. I don’t want to lead him on.”

“Did he really want to get back


“I think he wanted another chance, but I… don’t feel the same way. I thought I would because of our history, but he’s turned out to be a good friend.”

“Funny how the roles reversed. There was a time when Cole was only your friend.”

Leah’s hands tingled. She could still feel his touch. She face-palmed herself, grateful the bookshelf kept her from falling when he kissed her. Her knees turned to water. His embrace invigorated her like a sea breeze. Her heart hammered in her chest when his arm snaked around her waist.

He left a trail of goosebumps behind when his hand grazed her neck. She didn’t plan to kiss his cheek, but on impulse, her lips met his face, his stubble tickling her lips. Then, he closed the gap, his mouth caressing hers. Leah’s heart nearly stopped.

She tilted her head to give him better access. How long did they kiss? She didn’t remember. Her fingers grazed the back of his neck, inhaling the woodsy cologne she loved so much. His kisses were tender, as they danced over her lips. Her brain turned to mush.

“Leah, are you there?” Gemma asked.

Leah blinked, feeling the warmth spread through her. “I’m here.” She cleared her throat.

“You and Cole. That’s definitely unexpected.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you say he was cute as if you wanted something to happen?”

“I did, but that doesn’t mean I thought it would happen.”

Leah rubbed the back of her neck. “I can’t blame you. I didn’t either.” Her stomach knotted. “I’m a little nervous, Gem. This is new for me and Cole.”

“It’ll be fine. You two have been friends for a long time, so you can trust each other.”

Leah sighed. “You’re right.”

“You’ve changed, Leah. You’re a lot braver than what you give yourself credit for, so enjoy yourself. If you think it’s worth it, go for it.”

“I guess my dating hiatus is out the window.”

“It served its purpose, right?”

Leah took a cleansing breath.
