Page 78 of Wish for Love

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Chapter 22

Leah stared at her impending text message to Seth. She took a deep breath, her jaw tightening.

6:20 PM… Leah: R u free 4 lunch this week?

She hit send to Seth’s phone and resumed her stroll, passing by a few parked cars that lined the street. She bypassed a few spots of uneven ground while walking over cracked sidewalks. Stopping in front of a flower shop, Leah got a scent of fresh flowers fixing her gaze on the bright colors and cheerful displays in the window.

Resuming her stride, she chewed on her bottom lip, mulling what to say to Seth. How would he react to her and Cole? Her body tingled once more recalling Cole’s lips on hers. How did a kiss alone have her as blissful as the evening stars? Thankfully, she didn’t melt into a puddle of mush at that moment.

She shut her eyes and exhaled. They weren’t even an official couple. What if the kiss was a mistake? Leah rubbed her forehead and ran her hand down the swoop of her cheek. It had to be, with the way his hands encircled her waist and his face glad as the dawn. The moment lasted forever but ended too soon.

How she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck. Would he be worth her giving up her dating hiatus? It wasn’t a permanent status for her but was it rational? Was getting romantically involved with a friend wise? What would happen if things didn’t work out between them? Then she would have been heartbroken by both Parsons brothers.

Seth wasn’t a bad guy, but they didn’t work out. Relationships were risky. Leah hoisted her purse farther up her shoulder and continued to walk. Drawing near his studio, her fears surfaced ready to spill over. She couldn’t backtrack, not after all the progress she made so far.

Perhaps Cole was the man she wished for in the fountain. He wouldn’t leave her behind for his career, would he? She wouldn’t have to hide who she was to win his love. Besides, it would be so easy to love Cole. Love? Where did that come from? Her phone buzzed, so she checked her messages.

6:26 PM… Seth: Sure can’t wait

Leah paused her steps in front of Cole’s studio. His closed sign hung on the glass door, but based on his last message two hours earlier, he wanted her to stop by after closing. She called him.

“Hello?” he said, sounding cheerful.

“I’m outside.” Her stomach fluttered.

In less than a minute, Cole opened the front door. They both hung up their phones, and once inside, he locked the door behind her. Then he reached for her, bringing her into his embrace. Leah melted, having missed his touch all day. Allowing her body to sink into his, the hard planes of his muscles enfolded her.

A low pleasant hum escaped his throat. “I missed you.”

The thought caused Leah’s mind to turn into a buzzing mess of static. She wrapped her arms around his neck, rising on her tiptoes. “I missed you too.”

“I have a surprise for you.” He broke away but still holding her hands.

She smirked. “What?”

“Close your eyes.”

“No way.”

“You’ll love it. Close your eyes.”

She tilted her head toward him, but conceded. Her senses went on high alert as soon as he embraced her waist from behind. Leah instinctively rested her hands on top of his. He then kissed her temple, which brought every neuron in her body to attention.

“Step forward,” he instructed.

Leah did, fighting the urge to peek. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” he whispered.

Soon they came to a stop. Leah kept her eyes shut, awaiting his instructions.

“Okay, open your eyes.”

Leah’s eyes fluttered open. She gasped. An open wicker basket rested on top of a checkered blanket. Candlelight illuminated the area, and Cole directed her to sit. She peeked inside the basket to see sandwiches, fruit, pretzels, and chips awaiting her taste buds. Cole took a seat across from her on the matted floor, immediately serving a plate for both of them. His relaxed appearance calmed her nerves.

Leah rapped her fingers lightly on the warm blanket. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Turkey or ham?” He offered both hands to her displaying both choices.
