Page 40 of Thinking of Zoe

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“What’s wrong? You’re frowning.” Roslyn asked.

“My brother called.”


“There still here in Houston. He wants us to come tonight to their performance,” Zoe said. Her insides quivered.

Roslyn’s eyes widened. “Okay.”

“Okay what?”

Her friend shrugged. “I guess we’re going to a concert.”

Zoe gasped. “What? I can’t.”

“You need to. I bet you still haven’t called Alex back.” Roslyn tilted her head to the side, waiting for her answer.

“No.” Zoe rubbed the back of her head. “I’m not sure what to say to him.”

“I figured. So we’re going. I hope you brought a cute outfit.”

Zoe walked to her trunk and retrieved her bag. “It’s not as if I don’t want to make things right.”

“But?” Roslyn folded her arms over her chest.

Zoe’s bottom lip trembled. “Haven’t I done that enough to hurt people?”

Her friend draped an arm around her. “Looks like we have a lot to talk about before tonight’s concert.”

Zoe walked alongside her friend inside her apartment.

Chapter 14

“You don’t sound too excited,” Alex’s father said.

Alex twirled his drumsticks in one hand, while holding his phone in the other. He was off to himself in the dressing room. “I am.”


He sighed, as if he could lie to his father. Thank goodness Aunt Pam wasn’t on the phone with him. “I got a lot on my mind.”

“What did she do now?” his father asked.

“Why do you always assume it’s a woman?” Alex asked. “Maybe I’m stressed with touring.” His fist tightened around his drumstick, hating that his father was right.

“You’ve loved the drums since you were a kid. I had to stop you from playing so you could go to sleep at night. I know you, son. It’s something else,” his father said.

Alex plopped on the couch. “I told you about it already.”

“It must be serious. Does she know how you feel?”

He dropped his drumstick to the carpet floor. “I told her. I thought we were connecting. Then...”

“Then what?”

He rubbed at his forehead. “I guess... my past caught up with me. She heard another woman’s voice.”

“Now I see. Well, you have a decision to make.”
