Page 12 of Fantasy Man

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“So am I. I’m not sure I could have gone through with it if it was another man. One look at you and I was ready.”

“Since you’re such a good sport, and you’re looking at me now, you wouldn’t welsh on that promise you made me the other day would you?”

He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her.

“What promise was that? You mean the one to do you?” Feeling his hardness through his pants, she couldn’t help herself—she wiggled against him. “Mm,” she murmured. “I can tell you’re serious.”

“I wish there was a way to prove how serious I am about my feelings for you. And honey,” he slipped his hand between them to rub her pussy. “You don’t have to do me.”

“What do you say we do one another?” she asked, her breath starting to come fast.

“I like the way you think,” he said. Picking her up, Rick carried her to the bedroom, placed her on the bed and shucked off his pants and shirt. She lay watching and wanting him and wondering if she’d been too easy, but as soon as he took off his jockey shorts and she saw his wonderful cock she didn’t care. She wanted Rick. Now.

She unzipped her pants and he slipped slid them down over her legs and then inched his hands up her silky calves and thighs to finger her crotch through her polka-dot bikinis. “I think I had these wrapped around my face the other day. I seem to remember seeing spots before my eyes. But it would have been better if you’d been in them at the time.”

She smiled and reached for his velvety penis. “Mm,” she said. “I see something else before my eyes.”

He unbuttoned her blouse, fumbling in his haste, and when he’d finished undressing her, lay next to her on his side, facing her mound of soft brown curls. She ran her hand up and down his cock with a feathery motion, paying special attention to the throbbing head. He traced the outline of the opening to her vagina with his finger before slipping it in, and then he repeated the motion with his tongue. She took that hard, shiny bulb between her lips and sucked. He fucked her with his tongue, jabbing hard, and she drew as much of his shaft into her mouth as she could, working her mouth up and down it. He held the cheeks of her bottom tightly with his hands so she couldn’t wiggle away as the feelings grew in intensity. She suckled the tip of his cock until she tasted thick hot nectar and licked the length of it up and down, paying special attention to the tiny opening at its tip.

“I love it,” he mumbled against her clitoris. “Fucking and sucking you all over.”

His talk made Monica’s blood run hotter and her juices flow faster. Quivering, she drew harder and faster on his phallus.

“Can you take a little more of me in?” Rick asked, raising his face to look at her. His chin was covered with her juices and she grew hotter yet. She tried to do what he said and he pushed, and just then his hot sperm erupted in her mouth and throat. She instinctively started to pull away but his excited cries heightened her emotions and she swallowed greedily.

Her jaws started to ache, but she didn’t stop until he gasped, “Enough. I can’t take any more.”

She let go of him and he began nibbling her clitoris, harder. He grasped one cheek of her fanny with one hand and caressed a breast with the other.

“Oh. My. Lord,” she cried as the waves of ecstasy rolled over and through her body.

“How long were you engaged?” Monica, face flushed and still weak in the knees, asked Rick a little while later as they sat at the kitchen table drinking beer.

“A year, but we dated a long while before that. I purchased her the ring to buy myself time. She kept wanting to set a wedding date, and I was never ready. She was in love with the idea of a formal ceremony more than with the idea of married life, I think. After I found her in bed with my friend, Carter, I realised I’d been hesitant because something wasn’t right between her and me. And after last Saturday with you, I knew what it was.”

Someone knocked at the front door and Monica froze. Rick didn’t react so she thought maybe he hadn’t heard it, and she wished she hadn’t. It would be a very bad time for the Fantasy Man to appear. She thought Linda would call before sending him and she’d planned to cancel.

Rick took Monica’s hand in his. “I didn’t love Saranne. She’d become a habit with me and we were friends, or so I thought. The thing that hurt the most was that I trusted her. And him.”

A giant lump seemed to have lodged itself in Monica’s throat. Rick played with the fingers of her left hand and she thought about the woman who’d worn his diamond ring and screwed his best friend.

Someone knocked again. “I don’t think you can go on ignoring that,” he said. “At least we know it’s not the Fantas

y Man,” he added, chuckling.

When she didn’t move, Rick went on. “Her desire … I hope you don’t mind my talking about this … never matched mine. And my desire for her never equalled mine for you. Nor the satisfaction. You know why? I love you, and you love me.”

“How can you be sure? Remember, Jules wrote a book, Telling Love from Lust, and since I’ve never read it, I still don’t know.”

Rick chucked Monica under the chin playfully and smiled straight into her eyes. “We lust after one another, but that has to be part of love.”

The knock sounded again, and whoever it was obviously wasn’t going away. Monica’s blood froze in her veins and she pulled her hand away. “I think Jules is behind the knock at the door. She’s the one who sent me … is sending me … a Fantasy Man.”

“Is? She’s going to send you another one?”

“She’s going to send the one she sent before. Remember? You wouldn’t let me answer the door when he arrived.”

“So I wasn’t good enough to be your Fantasy? You want to have sex with some other guy?” Face red, Rick ran his hands through his hair.
