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“Try to listen. The reason the king’s current malaise affects you is because he will see you as the cure to it. You are unique. Something new for him to study and explore. Your eyes alone could fixate him for days.”

Kansas closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. “My eyes?”

“I’m sure you’ve seen for yourself how rare you are. How attractive.” The efficient fingers had slowed. Each time a lacing was pulled through and tightened, Kansas was sure he felt an extra caress, a subtle pressure. He wanted to rub himself against Z’s hand, but he couldn’t allow himself to come.

He may never get another pair of pants.

Z continued. “Which is why the only way you can get what you want, is to deny him what he wants.”

At those words, his eyes popped back open. “Huh?”

“He will want you to submit to him, to give in and allow him to ask you a thousand questions about your world. He will no doubt want to experience intimacy with a human. With you. You must reject him, at least for now, if you ever want to get back home.”

Kansas stepped back abruptly, the laces dangling as he stared at Z in disbelief. “Hold the phone, what the hell are you talking about? ‘Experience intimacy’? Like I’m a sample on some dessert tray? Damn straight I’ll reject him. If that’s what you’re worried about then you haven’t done enough homework on humanity. I’m not the kind of man to give myself to anyone I’m not attracted to. No matter who he is.”

Z’s smile was grim, his gaze knowing as he stared pointedly at the erection straining against the lacings on Kansas’s pants. “Ah, but what if you are attracted? You’ve noticed, I think, that our world has an underlying energy of sensuality that infuses everything. Our magic, our food, the air we breathe is alive with it.”

“I’ve noticed.” Boy, had he.

Z nodded. “I imagine it could be overwhelming to a species used to sexual restraint. I also imagine that experiencing actual attraction in this new environment might make it even more difficult to resist. Even if resisting it is the only way you will ever be able to return to the world you knew.”

He stepped forward, closing the distance between them, and without breaking eye contact, completed the lacings until they were tied with a flourish. “I’m trying to help you, Kansas Frayne of Iowa.” The wizard stepped back. “You’d do well to heed my advice.”

“Why?” Kansas slid on the shirt, but the sleeves were much too small for his arms, and they ripped at the seams as he forced it over his shoulders. “Damn.”

Kansas paused as he ripped the shredded sleeves off his arms. “Why are you trying to help me, if your job is to make sure the king is happy?”

Z stared at him enigmatically before turning toward the main hall. “Join your friends, Kansas. And summon your will. You’ll need it.”

Chapter Four

Kansas shoved his torn off sleeves into a large vase filled with flowers before following the wizard into the receiving room.

Great. He was going to meet a king dressed like a pleather-pantsed punk rocker.

Still better than being naked.

“Sea eyes, over here.” The room was filled with people, but Kansas saw Fenna and Lenard waving at him from a crowded corner closest to the door. Z caught his gaze and nodded, and Kansas headed their way while the wizard continued toward the front.

“Nice outfit. I can’t see any dangly bits, so I hope you’re happy.” Fenna grinned, giving his arm a friendly squeeze. Kansas posed and gave Lenard a wink that had the tall feline blushing. He’d only known them for two days, but they already felt like old friends.

“I’m very happy, thank you. Now will one of you kindly tell me who all these people are? And what clan is that guy from?”

Lenard’s chest rumbled with good humor when he saw where Kansas was pointing. “Equus. They’re always fun at parties. Arrogant, but they have the equipment to back it up.”

Kansas found it hard to look away from the centaur-like beings and their…equipment. And he’d though Lenard had a monster between his thighs. “Noted.”

“Those women over there are Weavers. Stay away from them, they’re all hands.” Fenna sounded sincere, but when Kansas looked away from the six-armed beings across the room and caught her gaze, they both burst into hysterical laughter, drawing a few judgmental gazes.

Kansas wiped his watering eyes, still chuckling softly, when he saw one group sneering with what he thought was an excessive amount of venom. They looked familiar. “Fenna? Why are your people glaring at me like I crawled out from under a rock?”

“They aren’t glaring at you. They’re glaring at me.” Kansas heard the vulnerability she couldn’t quite hide and turned his body protectively, shielding her from their stares.


Lenard caught her gaze and spoke softly. “He’s bound to find out sooner or later.” He looked at Kansas with a somber expression. “We should have told you as soon as we made the decision to bring you to the king. Fenna and I are outcasts. Tainted. Both our clans have set us aside, and I’m sure they believe we shouldn’t be allowed in the city at all, let alone in the king’s presence.”

Kansas scowled back at the crowd. He knew what being abandoned felt like. “Why would they do a shitty thing like that?”

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