Page 11 of Truly Scrumptious

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She shuddered tellingly, more aroused by that thought than she wanted to admit. Nate’s chuckle was hot against her skin. He rolled her nipples between his callused fingers, seeming fascinated by her reactions to his touch. His words.

His whisper was no more than a rasp. “You like that idea.” It wasn’t a question. One hand left her breast to fall to her hip, gathering her broom skirt in his hand slowly, teasingly. “Tell me…Truly…have you ever been with more than one man at the same time? Ever been pleasured by two? By three?”

Only in her dreams. “N-no. Never. Oh God.” What was she doing? Why wasn’t she stopping him? He was rude and arrogant. He’d never apologized for his comments. Never thanked her for what she was doing for his restaurant. And yet, she’d never wanted anyone more. She was a masochist. That was the only explanation. The only reason she was holding her breath, every cell of her body reveling in his touch and yearning for more.

His hand was skimming against her thighs, lifting her skirt higher and higher. “They want you, you know. Have just as much trouble concentrating when you’re around as I do. Are just as distracted by that fiery hair, these beautiful breasts. Your sweet, heart-shaped ass.”

Truly shook her head. “I thought they were… I saw them…”

Nate hissed. “You saw them. Did you like what you saw?”

Her whimpered, “Yes,” had him swearing again. “Trust me, they want you. No woman has affected all of us this way in a long time. No one has ever affected me this way.”

That last admission was said almost angrily, as though he resented his reaction to her. And she didn’t believe a word he said about the others. Even though she desperately wanted it to be true.

Oh, they’d been solicitous, even kind, and their flirtation had been good for her ego. But neither Clay nor Louis had ever pressed her against the wall or touched her the way Nate was touching her. The way they’d touched each other. Neither of them was sliding a large hand toward the inside of her thigh, inhaling sharply when they discovered her secret.

She wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“Fuck me. You are a bad girl, aren’t you?” He tucked her skirt into her waistband, leaving her open, vulnerable. His fingers slid through her curls, and his chest rumbled when he felt her slick arousal soaking his skin. “Such a bad girl. You are begging for a spanking, aren’t you?”

She whimpered, and he pushed his jean-clad thigh between her legs, spreading them further apart. One thick finger slid between the sensitive lips of her sex, inside her. “Did you like the sensation? Did you like knowing that you were right in front of us, filming us as we cooked for you, sat beside you and never knew how you were taunting us?”

“Yes.” Her breathless admission surprised her. But it was true. After this morning’s encounter and her shower fantasy…after being insulted about her attractiveness yet again by her ex boss, it had given her a little thrill. Had made her feel a bit like she was standing naked beside them. Made her feel sexy. It had been so long since she’d felt that way.

Nate swore behind her, his forehead pressing against her shoulder. “You’ve done it again haven’t you? Distracted me. I wanted to talk to you, wanted to tell you…” At his silence she felt a moment’s fear that he was going to push her away again, send her home unsatisfied. Again. She wasn’t sure she could take it.

He sighed. “Now all I can think about is fucking you.”

His jeans scraped against the back of her thighs as he let her go to pull off his too tight T-shirt. He reached into his pocket, and she heard the tearing of foil. Was this really happening? God, she hoped so.

She looked out the dark window above the sink. She couldn’t see anything except their reflection. Her face was flushed, her breasts large and aching, her eyes wide. Nate, shirtless behind her, his gaze never left hers.

Her hands were still in the soapy water. She’d never think of dishes the same way again.

Nate laid his hand on her back and gently pressed her forward, the cool steel of the sink digging into her stomach. “I can’t wait, Truly. I need to be inside you. Tell me you need it too.”

“Please.” Was that her whispered plea? She shivered, arching her neck at the feel of his condom-encased cock sliding against the cheeks of her ass.

Before she could have time for second thoughts he positioned himself between her thighs, his hands squeezing the soft, ample

skin of her hips as he pressed inside. “Oh fuck. Sweet baby. That’s right. Let me in. Take all of me.”

Truly tasted blood. She knew she was biting her lip to keep from screaming in pleasure, the knowledge that they weren’t alone in the house only fueling her arousal. There was no gentle, questioning thrusts, no new lover caresses. Nate was claiming her as though she belonged to him, as though he knew exactly what she needed. How she needed it. Hard and fast.

And the things he was whispering in her ear only threw her deeper into the flames.

“You were made for this weren’t you? Every part of you so soft, so ripe and ready for me. For us.” He dipped his knees and powered into her from behind, his cock filling her so completely with each thrust and she saw stars. “I find that I’m greedy with you, Truly. Possessive. There are only two men I would share you with. Two men I’d let near you. Would you like that? All of us touching you. All of us inside you. Your mouth. Your ass. This hot, tight pussy that’s clinging so sweetly to my cock?”

Her curls clung damply to her cheeks as she nodded, lost in the fantasy, lost in the sensations building to a frenzy inside her. Her clit was pressing against the counter, rubbing against the hard, cool surface with every thrust of his hips. His grip was powerful as he lifted her onto her toes, guiding her onto his erection with a strength that was nearly bruising. Controlling. Wonderful. But he wasn’t done.

“Say it, Truly. Tell me you’d love it. Tell me you’ve imagined it. All of us taking you. All of us fucking you. Me fucking you while you watched Louis suck Clay’s cock down his throat. Is that what you want?”

He wouldn’t release her gaze in the glass’s reflection, wouldn’t relent until she admitted her fantasies out loud. How he knew she wasn’t sure, but she could no more deny his request than she could stop the climax that crashed over her like a tidal wave.

“Yes, damn it! All of you. I’d love all of you fucking me… Fuck me… Oh God, Nate.”

He held her as her orgasm shuddered through her, everything else falling away but his body against hers, holding her together. A part of her felt him join her, come against her with a low shout and hard, jerking thrust of his hips.
