Page 15 of Truly Scrumptious

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Chapter Six

Truly closed the bathroom door and collapsed against it. She wasn’t a virgin, but she’d never done the walk of shame before. The-tiptoe-around-naked-bodies-to-get-dressed-in-the-same-clothes-you-had-on-the-night-before-and-escape-before-anyone-wakes-up-walk of shame.

She looked in the mirror and grimaced. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t leave until she’d had a shower. What if she died on the way home and her mother had to identify her body? A night of being covered in delicious food and sexy man juice had taken its toll. She was officially a wreck.

The rubber duck on the side of the tub completed her guilt. Jane. Justin. Children would be eating at that island. The island where she had so thoroughly debauched herself that she might write herself out of her own will.

It was worth it.

She turned on the water and shook her head. Had it been? It was the most fantastic sex she’d ever had, read about, or watched on adult television. And it had gone on most of the night. With one noticeable absence.

After that first time, Nate had stayed in the background, allowing Clay and Louis to rouse her to a fever pitch over and over again. He’d watched the two men take her. He’d encouraged her with his sensual words, but he hadn’t touched her again.

Her first thought was that she’d done something wrong. That maybe he hadn’t enjoyed himself as much as he thought he would. But she didn’t really believe that was true. She’d felt his reaction, seen it. She knew he wanted her.

And what he had done to her? She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. God, what he had done to her, she wanted again. And again. She’d even take more of the spanking. It was that good.

She turned on the water and hopped under the hot shower spray, noticing with a happy grimace all the new aches and pains that came from being a fallen woman. She could definitely get used to it, though that wasn’t a healthy train of thought.

Why though? Why was she feeling so guilty for having earth-shattering sex? Just because it was with three men? Who were her clients? Who paid her?

“Ugh.” She planted her forehead solidly against the tile, hoping the water would wash away those particular thoughts.

“Did you hurt yourself, honey?”

“Be careful in there.”

Truly jumped and slid on the shower floor, the metal rod inside the shower the only thing saving her. “Clay? Louis? What are you doing in here?”

And why hadn’t she locked the door?

The shower door opened and Louis’s blond head poked in. He smiled knowingly. “We didn’t want you sneaking away without making sure you were okay. Are you hungry? Clay makes some of the best crepes it has ever been my great good fortune to inhale.”

He joined her in the shower, followed quickly by the massive Clay. Yep. Still gorgeous. He grinned, and she noticed the dimple on his cheek. Why hadn’t she noticed that before? How could she sleep with a man when she didn’t know he had a dimple? “I do make delicious crepes. I also make biscuits that people have been known to commit murder to sample.” His dimple disappeared. “What’s wrong, Truly? You look upset.”

Her laugh was a little hysterical as she tried in vain to cover herself. “I don’t know, Clay. Maybe I’m just not as comfortable in my own skin as you are. I don’t usually take showers with two naked men after spending the night participating in an orgy.”

Louis leaned against the far wall, giving her space. “That? Trust me, darlin’, that was not an orgy. We’ve been to—” Clay shot him a look that made him swallow his sentence. “I mean, you have nothing to be uncomfortable about. You were wonderful.”

Clay cupped her shoulders and rubbed soothingly. “You were more than wonderful. And it was more than just sex. I think you know that.”

The tone of his voice had her biting her lip. Was he saying that he felt something for her? That they did? “I don’t think Nate would agree. I think he’s hoping I’ll be gone before he wakes up.”

Clay and Louis shared a look. Louis shook his head. “Wrong again, Scrumptious.” She glared but he didn’t pay attention. “I think for Nate, you are way more than just sex. And more than sex is scary. Especially after the last time. But then, that was mostly my fault. Not yours.”

“What do you mean?” After the last time. The last time they’d shared a woman? Clay got behind her and picked up a washcloth, soaping it up before washing her back in sensual strokes. It felt good. Her shoulders started to relax.

Louis crossed his arms, looking uncomfortable. “We shared the same woman a few times several years ago. I fell for her. She fell for Nate. It was messy. He doesn’t like messy emotion. At least, he didn’t back then. I think, when he realized we all wanted you, he was worried one of us would get hurt. He’s very protective of people he considers family. He always puts them first. Even before what he wants.”

He said it as though it were well behind him, but Truly could tell the woman’s rejection had hurt Louis. “She didn’t deserve you.”

But was she any better? She was attracted to all of them, drawn to them all in different ways, even found herself falling a little bit in love. But she had to admit, there was something about Nate that drew her to him. Made her crazy, ticked her off, but drew her. It was a feeling she wasn’t sure was mutual.

Louis smiled his beautiful, bad boy smile at her and suddenly she found herself forgetting about Nate. Wanting to prove to Louis how irresistible he was. Both of them were. She turned toward Clay and took the washcloth from his hands, directing him to stand beside Louis in the crowded shower.

Without a word she washed them, the cloth skimming over muscle and bone and hard, wet skin. She knew they were both aroused, but none of them wanted to break the spell as she cared for them, kneeling down at last to scrub their feet as though she were their concubine. Or wife.

Clay grabbed the showerhead and took if off its hanger, handing it to her with a solemn expression. She hid her smile, staying on her knees as she rinsed them off one by one. Then she carefully laid the nozzle down, directing the spray behind them, and took Louis’s impressive erection into her mouth.
