Page 16 of Truly Scrumptious

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“Oh damn, Truly. You do have a wicked mouth.” Louis pressed the back of his head against the tile, smoothing his hands over her wet curls as she tightened her lips around him.

Her hand reached up blindly for Clay’s cock, but he gripped her fingers before she could reach him. “I have a better idea, angel.”

She sensed him moving around behind her, unwilling to lift her mouth from Louis’s shaft to see what he was up to. A squeak emerged from her throat as his head appeared beneath her, between her spread thighs. His laugh was carefree. “My turn.”

He pulled her hips down until her sex was pressed against his mouth, and began to feast. So good. Truly’s eyes rolled back in her head as his tongue thrust inside her. She took more of Louis into her mouth, sucking hard in time with Clay’s rhythm.

Louis gripped her hair more tightly. “Honey, fuck yeah. Move your tongue like that again. Oh, sugar, yes. Swallow me down. Take it all.”

The shower door slammed open, and Truly lifted her mouth with a surprised shriek. It was Nate. He looked wild, enraged. He took in the scene in a moment, grabbing Truly’s arm and pulling her to her feet and out of the shower with one strong, surprising movement.

“Nate, what the fuck man?” Louis helped Clay up, stepping out of the shower.

Nate ignored them, lowering Truly to the carpet floor of the hallway, half in, half out of the bathroom. “I thought you were gone. Thought you’d left me. But you decided to have a private party instead.”

Truly was confused. A little angry. And aroused beyond belief. His erection pressed against her stomach, his eyes dark with need and something else. Something hopeful? “Why do you care?”

He didn’t answer, bending her legs until her knees were pressed against her chest, and slipping inside her. “Christ, that feels good. You feel good. Truly—”

He took her as though it were the last thing he could do before he died. Single minded, focused, intense. Neither of them closed their eyes, unwilling to lose sight of the other for a second. He leaned over her and slid his fingers through hers, nipping at her lips with his teeth, but never breaking eye contact.

It felt intimate. Sacred. Truly knew tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she didn’t care. They came together with a cry of release, and Nate finally closed his eyes, burying his face in her neck, his body trembling.

They heard a door open downstairs and a shout. “Nate, bro, are you here? The kids are still at Gram’s

, but I had to come right away when I got the message. A guy named Clive calling you back about an appearance on the show? Please tell me it’s not The Clive. Don’t try to hide. Too many cars are here. You guys upstairs?”

The voice was coming closer, and Truly rolled, throwing the distracted Nate off her body. She was shaking. But this time the only emotions were anger and betrayal. “Calling you back? Have you been talking to Clive without telling me? Clay, give me my clothes.”

She grabbed the T-shirt and skirt and dressed herself in record time as she waited for an answer, any answer.

Louis, a towel wrapped around his waist, his expression deeply troubled, answered first. “No, of course no—”

Nate held up his hand, stopping him. He looked up, and Truly flinched at the hardness of his expression. “Am I mistaken or are we paying you? You don’t own us. If we want to explore…other options, that’s exactly what we’ll do. We only hired you to gut out our restaurant and get us customers. Nothing else.”

Clay swore, and Louis banged his hand against the wall, but neither man said a word. It felt as though Nate’d rammed a dagger into her stomach. Into her heart. “You are just a bastard aren’t you? But then, you don’t pay me to like you. I’m glad we got all this settled now, so there won’t be any confusion when I send you the bill.”

She turned and took off at a run, crashing into Jane near the top of the stairs. “TS? Truly? What’s wrong?” She looked over Truly’s shoulder at the three half naked men in the hallway. “What the hell happened here? Why—?”

Truly shook her head, pushing past Jane to get to her purse, her car. She had to get out of there before she made an even bigger fool out of herself.


Someone was knocking on her door. Again. Only this time they weren’t going away. The banging was giving Truly a horrible headache. Okay, maybe it was the quart of ice cream and bottle of pinot noir giving her a headache, but she’d rather blame the knocker.

The last few days had been Hell. She’d finally had to answer the phone when her mother left a message threatening to visit. Other than that, she didn’t want to see or hear from anyone.

How could he have done that? Made love to her like he’d finally come home and then look at her with the eyes of a cruel stranger? And why, after all he knew about the bastard, would he talk to Clive? She had more contacts than he did. She had plans. Why didn’t he trust her?

Why should he? She wasn’t very professional when the chips were down, was she? A harlot with a business card. Did he have any respect for her? Did she deserve any?

“I’m not going away, missy. So open up.”

Oh, shit. It was Jane. The demon seed’s sister. Just what she needed. “We aren’t buying any. Go away.”

“I knew you were drunk.”

“How did you know?”

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