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“You have such a beautiful pussy, Chuck. Such a hot, wet pussy. We’re all so hungry for it, babe. So hungry for a taste. So hungry to fuck it.”

“Oh shit.” She wanted Simon to shut up. She wanted him to keep talking. She was close. So close to coming that she started to panic. A small voice in her mind told her this was it. The moment when everything changed between them. She shook her head.

“Don’t fight it, Charli. Please let me feel it. Let me feel you come around my fingers. You’re so tight, Charli. I’ve never felt anything so tight.” She struggled in his lap. She had to get away. Couldn’t let go.

Rafael growled. “This is my fantasy. Did you know that, Charli? Watching you. Watching Eric. Both of you flushed with desire. Both of you dying to come. Only my dream ends when I get to fuck you. When I get to slide my cock deep inside your pussy, and then deep inside Eric’s sweet ass.”

“Damn it, Raf.” Eric’s cock jerked and throbbed against her despite his reaction, and she couldn’t hold back anymore. She came with a shout, heedless of the other racers, mindless to anything but the pleasure and the visual Rafael’s words brought to mind. He and Eric. Together.

Eric murmured praise in her ear, petting her damp sex with a gentle hand. She felt him lower her skirt quickly, opening her eyes to find the men standing protectively in front of her, Florenz beside them.

“I’m truly sorry to interrupt. But since you succeeded in giving her an orgasm, I have your next clue.”

Right. The game. Apparently they were told they had to make her come while she danced for them. She’d forgotten for a moment. Let herself get carried away.

Charli lifted herself off of Eric’s lap, stepping back with her arms crossed over her breasts when the other two reached for her. “So. Next clue? What’s it say? We better hurry, it looks like Tim and Dawn are already on their way.”

“You okay, Chuck?”

She waved his worry away without making eye contact. “The clue?”

Rafael handed her the clue, his attention fixed on Eric, who was licking his fingers with a thoroughness that made her whimper and turn away.

“It says, ‘Another map, another clue. To trust each other, it takes two.’ Looks like this time someone else might have to dress up and dance like a fool. Speaking of that, I’m going to hurry up and change.”

“Charli?” Eric turned her toward him, lifting her chin with his still-damp fingers. She shivered. “Thank you.”

He kissed her forehead and she looked down, noticing the tented linen, the damp spot on the cloth covering the tip of his erection. He was thanking her? He’d given her one of the greatest orgasms of her life, and he was still painfully aroused. She should be thanking him. “Sure. We’re a team, right?”

He smiled. “Always.” He lifted one eyebrow and raised his voice to include the others. “As long as Rafael keeps his man fantasies to himself.”

Rafael chuckled, but there was little humor in it. “Charli seemed to like the idea.”

She sprinted up to the stage and behind the curtain to the changing room. She couldn’t have that conversation right now. Couldn’t admit how turned on the idea of Raf and Eric fucking made her.

Had someone spiked her tequila? Because of them she’d had precious few encounters with the opposite sex. All of them groping and clumsy. All of them leaving her wanting.

Charli never told Simon, but the vibrator he’d jokingly bought her for her thirtieth birthday had been worn out in less than a month. It had also started her secret obsession with mechanical boyfriends. They didn’t have to pass muster with the guys. They came in nondescript boxes, and required only a plug or a few double-A batteries to be happy.

She’d told herself that it was enough to satisfy her. But she couldn’t lie anymore. Not after today. Eric’s hands on her skin, Simon and Rafael looking on…it blew her away. It was so incredibly erotic, so arousing. She’d thought Lee was insane for having two girlfriends, now wives, at once, but she could finally understand the attraction.

Don’t think about it. All three of them together. Simon inside her, owning her while she watched Rafael make Eric scream with pleasure. Rafael taking her from behind and Eric fucking her pussy while she sucked Simon’s cock in her mouth.

Great job, Charli. Way to not think about it.

She pulled the rubberbands out of her hair, not bothering to put it up again as she sprinted down the stairs to the street where they were waiting for her. She had to get it together. This was just a game to them, an exciting experience they were determined to win for a bet. Eventually, after they’d won, they’d laugh about this night, make a few lewd comments and move on.

She crossed her fingers.

She’d seen Simon and Rafael whispering together right before they’d arrived at their next destination. What were they up to now? Shelly bounced up to them with a brilliant smile. “Your team is making excellent time. Okay. Now we’ll need Charli, and an extra volunteer to make this particular challenge work.”

“Rock it, boys.” Charli shared a good-humored smile with Shelly as they watched the three men play rock, paper, scissors. Eric lost. Three times.

The other two subtly bumped fists, and she knew. They’d rigged it. They’d wanted to make sure Eric would lose. It was a good game for that. Even Charli knew Eric believed he had a system for that ridiculous game. But system equaled predictability when you’d known each other as long as they had.

“You two will need to wear this. Only for a minute. Simon and Rafael here will lead you to where you need to go. You just have to trust them.” Charli saw the blindfolds in her hand and sighed.

Eric took a step back. “No fuckin’ way.”
