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“Sure,” he nodded. “Three of them co-own the best sporting goods store in Denver, and Connie works with Chris at the hospital. Plus, being an officer of the law has its perks. It’s not like they go out of the way to hide it.”

Why did this question feel so important? “And what do you think about it?”

“That it’s an orgy palace.” He laughed when her shoulders drooped. “Aw hell, I’m just kidding, Georgia. I think people deserve to find happiness wherever and however they can. As long as they aren’t speeding on my stretch of road, more power to them. From what I’ve seen, they are genuinely in love with each other. How can that be wrong?”

Now it was Georgia’s turn to smile. “That was very non-Neanderthal of you, Officer Jimmy.”

His brown eyes sparkled. “Impressed?”


He took the last plate from her hand, set it down and turned her toward him. “Then maybe you can tell me why you haven’t looked any of us in the eye since you went inside.”

She felt her cheeks heat. “I just think we’ve overstayed our welcome, Roux and I. You should be able to have your traditional Christmas together; I should be at Connie’s. You’ve all been so kind, but you hardly know me. You shouldn’t spend the holidays with people you hardly know.”

A dark expression crossed Jimmy’s features. “I spent every Christmas until I was seventeen with people I hardly knew. Or people I didn’t want to know. So I could agree with you on principle, I suppose. Though I thought we were all getting to know each other pretty damn well.”

He was staring at her mouth. “You, for example, know all of the words to every Christmas movie we’ve watched since you’ve been here. Don’t deny it, I was watching your lips move. So you love Christmas but pretend you don’t. You haven’t mentioned your family, other than your grandfather, and you’re going to a friend’s house in another state to celebrate, so I’m guessing either they are gone or you don’t get along with them.” He pulled her closer. “You look impossibly mussed and adorable in the mornings, but you shouldn’t be approached until you’ve had a second cup of coffee. You are, quite possibly, one of the sexiest, sassiest women I’ve met in my life—so much so that I don’t even mind the nicknames and teasing, or all this family togetherness, as long as you’re here.”

First Flynn and now this? “Wow.” A part of her was ready to melt into a puddle at his feet, but she didn’t trust it. She’d known she was flirting with them, all of them, a little bit. Enjoying their attention. But two of them in one day, three if she counted that powerful moment with Chris when she thought he was going to kiss her. It was just too surreal. “Are you sure you don’t want another coffee?”

Jimmy’s eyes narrowed. “I’m sure. I’m also sure I’m not letting you out of this kitchen until I do this.”

Georgia felt her feet leave the ground and her bottom hit the counter an instant before his mouth was on hers. His hot, hard stomach pressed between her thighs as he kissed her with a skill that had her shutting her eyes to stop the room from spinning.

His lips felt as good as they’d looked. Taste as delicious as she’d imagined they would. Her hands slid up the thick ropes of muscle on his arms and shoulders, clutching the fabric of his shirt for balance as he gripped her hips.

It was so easy to imagine him taking her. Right here, with his brothers in the other room, wondering where they were. He could drag her body to the edge of the counter, pull down her loose fitting pants and unzip his jeans.

He was so strong he’d have no problem lifting and lowering her onto his cock. Was it as big as the rest of him? She may not know for sure but in her mind it was. And God, was it a tight fit. He would bend his head to take one of her nipples in his mouth, and then she would notice that they weren’t alone. That Chris and Flynn were watching her. Wanting their turn. Wanting her.

She came back to reality as her body shuddered with the first signs of her impending orgasm. Just from kissing Jimmy. And the blanks her imagination was desperate to fill in. She tore her mouth from his. “Stop.”

He was as lost in the moment as she was. “Hell, Georgia. Don’t ask me—“

She leaned back, pressing against his shoulders with her hands. “Please.”

His jaw dark with arousal and his lips pursed, he nodded and took a step away from her. Georgia looked down. Oh lord, it was as big as the rest of him. The fit of his jeans was leaving nothing to her imagination.

“I’m sorry, Jimmy, I—” What? I can’t go on kissing you while I’m thinking about two other men joining in? I can’t be as bold and fearless as they all seemed to be? Luckily she didn’t have to finish her sentence.

Chris walked in and froze in the doorway. “Everything okay in here?”

Jimmy didn’t turn to greet the new arrival. “Fine, Chris. Is it time?”

Time for what? Chris’s expression was closed in a way she’d never seen it before. Did he know what they were doing? How could he not? Her lips felt swollen, her cheeks scraped…and she was sitting on the kitchen counter.

Chris ran a hand through his hair. “It’s time. Georgia, we’re trimming the tree you saved. I thought you might want to join us.”

“Sure, okay.” There was something going on, something beneath the obvious embarrassment and tension she was feeling. All she knew was that she couldn’t refuse. It felt important.

Trimming the tree. Flynn’s tree. Maybe it would help her forget what she’d just let herself do. What she wanted to keep doing.

Maybe it would help her forget the look in Chris’s eyes when he’d walked in on them just now.

The last thing she wanted was to cause conflict between them because of her misplaced, multiple attractions. Bad holiday karma? Yep. Still there.

Chapter Four
