Page 46 of Drago (Made Men 6)

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Her muscles tensed as his hand slid back up to cup her mound just beneath her jeans, sending trembling sensations storming through her body. It was like being hungry and not knowing what you wanted to satisfy the craving that was slowly leading her searching down a tunnel that she didn’t know where it was leading.

Kat only knew she wanted to come out the other end in one piece. As Drago unsnapped her jeans, she quickly began to doubt that was going to happen. Each touch of his fingertips led a trail of fire along her skin that matched his eyes. When his fingers finally touched the soft, moist flesh between her thighs, she was consumed by the scorching heat. It all centered on the throbbing nub that Drago tantalized by barely skimming the aching point of her desire.

She gave a startled scream when his thumb pressed down before swirling downward to find her opening.

When a large finger entered her to his knuckle, her back arched at the sensation. She felt herself being shifted until she was flat on her back and Drago was above her. She knew he wasn’t going to ask her if she wanted him to stop again; that point had passed for them both. Unabashedly, one of her thighs fell to the side, opening herself even more to his touch before her hips lurched awkwardly under his hand trying to drive his finger deeper within her. The hunger inside of her wanted more, but she didn’t know how to get it or how to make Drago put the fire out that was stealing every thought from her head.

Not releasing her just yet, he removed his finger only to slide two back in, making it a tight fit within her.

A whimper escaped at the burning sensation he had just given her. He carefully cooled it down as his thick fingers coaxed her insides, and it wasn’t long before she wanted even more. Much, much more than what he was doing to her now.

Kat wasn’t going to ask but beg for what she wanted next, but the second her mouth opened to do so, his thumb rolled over her clit in a way that had her crying out in pleasure.

Placing a light kiss on her stunned lips, he removed his fingers that were still deep in her.

Did I just—

He placed another light kiss on her rosy cheek as he buttoned her jeans back up.

Is he just— Her body was only just beginning to feel the need fulfilled. “That’s it?” The words fell out of her mouth, her foggy brain feeling frustrated.

“Yes.” Drago smiled down at her. “For now.”

Kat wasn’t holding on to her virginity for any special reason; it was simply that there had been no one to give it to. Being one of the unlucky ones, she’d never built up her virginity as something to be protected or cherished, too afraid that it would be stolen from her, giving her another scar for life.

She wanted sex to be what it was meant to be, for pleasure, not to be used as a form of abuse or to feel pain. She wanted to have control over her body, and with Drago, she felt she did. She felt a sudden need he could give fulfilled; she felt in control as though she could ask him to stop at any time, and he would. But most importantly, Drago could take away the fear of her possibly losing her virginity to someone to whom it didn’t belong.

It should have been a win-win, but watching him get up off the bed and leave her without doing exactly that frustrated her. She had seen the fire in his eyes, seen that he didn’t want to leave her there without taking more, so why didn’t he?

I mean, what’s the fucking point of having a husband if they can’t—

* * *


Drago had lain in bed for over an hour just staring at the pink hair that seemed to glow in the moonlight while she slept. He had let himself touch her, something he hadn’t wanted to allow himself to do just yet. He’d found himself swept up in the moment from the sweet act she had done for him, and lost control of himself by losing himself in her.

Thankfully, he stopped himself before it went further. Only the guilt he would feel of defiling her had stopped him. Even though they were married, she was much younger than him and didn’t belong to him just because he’d picked her out of a line.

If or when he would allow himself to take her, it would have to be a cold day in hell. For that guilt of possibly ruining her life to die inside of him, all because Katarina was the only one who could give him the revenge he so desperately desired.

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