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I grin. “That probably makes more sense. The Captain does enjoy his space.”

“And I enjoy you,” she says. “If I didn’t have to be rested for work, I would take you home and ravage you all over again. Right now.”

“Oh, yeah?” I pull her closer. “Well, if Ben can cover for you until five, you’ll probably be good to go as long as you get to sleep by eight or nine.”

Her tongue slips out to dampen her lips. “And it’s just a little after four now, so that does give us almost four hours…”

I bite my bottom lip before asking in a faux scandalized voice, “Do you have any idea how many times I could make you come in four hours?”

She shivers. “I’m imagining it right now. Let’s hit the road. I’ll call Ben. If he can’t do it, I’ll call Brandon and twist his arm. He owes me a favor after all the times I’ve bought him burritos.”

I snatch her up, hugging her so tight her feet leave the pavement.

She laughs, her arms twining around my shoulders. “What’s this for?”

“I just love you. A lot.” I set her back down, gazing into her upturned face as I add, “A ridiculous amount, really.”

She smiles. “Same.” She wiggles her brows. “I’m also ridiculously hot for your body.”

“One of the things I love best about you.” I tip my lips closer to hers. “Can I move my things into your place while you’re at work?”

“I would be pissed if you didn’t,” she says with a content-sounding sigh. “I like coming home to you.”

“And I like that you called yourself an aunt back there,” I murmur.

She makes a soft, surprised sound. “I did, didn’t I?”

“You did. Which is perfect. Because I’d really like to marry the shit out of you as soon as possible.”

She laughs. “Very romantic.”


“But that had better not be your proposal,” she warns. “I want a sappy one. Lots of talk about your feelings and how excited you are to be together forever and stuff. Down on one knee. The whole thing.”

“I’ll get on that.”

“Good,” she says, a little shy and a little sexy and just so…her. My girl. My best friend. My Faith. “But maybe get on me first?”

“Whenever you want me for as long as you want me,” I promise.

“Forever’s a good start,” she whispers.

“It is,” I agree, and then I kiss her and it’s like catching fire, the way it always is.

The way I have a feeling it always will be.

As long as I’m with her.
