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A growl rumbles up from my chest. I would be more than happy to knock those thoughts from Asher’s head. I don’t give a damn if he’s joking around or not.

Just as I’m about to break up the growing crowd, Elle pushes her way through the throng.

Her wide gaze bounces from me to Sydney and then back again. “I knew it!” she crows. “I knew something was going on with you and this girl! Project my butt!”

I glance at Carson, who has sidled up behind her. His shoulders shake with silent laughter. He’s the one who put this cockamamie idea in my head. If there’s anyone to blame for this mess, it’s him.

“We need to talk,” Sydney hisses, “in private.”

“How about I get you a drink and we talk after?” More like a few drinks to dull the anger burning brightly in her eyes. Although, I’m not even sure alcohol will douse those flames.

“Now, Brayden.”

Well, damn.

Chapter Nine


Holy shit, did that actually happen?

My fingers brush across my lips where the faint taste of him continues to linger. I’ll admit— albeit privately— that I’ve secretly wondered what it would be like to kiss Brayden. That being said, I never imagined I’d actually find out.

This feels more like a dream.

Or maybe a nightmare.

All I know is that I need to get to the bottom of what’s going on before it can spiral any further out of control.

Like it hasn’t already?

I almost groan.

The moment his fingers wrap around mine, a little sizzle of electricity dances down my spine. Before I can blast him into next week, he’s dragging me through clumps of people toward the staircase. A few brave—or drunk—ones clap him on the back and congratulate him. Most aren’t interested in being run over by two hundred pounds of muscled man barreling through. I have to hasten my steps to keep pace with him as we head to the second floor. My head spins. I can’t believe this is happening. I throw a furtive glance over my shoulder at the gathered crowd. A good number of them continue to watch us with ardent interest. A few hold up their phones to snap photos.

Do you know what these people are probably thinking?

That we’re going upstairs to have sex.


The sooner this situation is cleared up, the better. There’s no way I can deal with everyone on campus thinking we’re a couple.

Brayden moves steadily up the staircase until we hit the second-floor landing and turn to the right before walking down the hallway. We pass by two doors before he reaches for a handle and pushes it open. When I stutter to a halt over the threshold, he huffs out a breath and yanks me into the room. Once sealed inside, the music and noise from downstairs fades. It’s a relief when he releases my fingers and my hand can drift back to my side. I stare at him and wait for a rational explanation as to why he would tell people we were together.

Seconds creep by. When he remains silent, I throw my arms wide and explode. “Oh my god! What the hell was that about?”

He winces before plowing a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m sorry. It got a little out of control.”

“A little out of control?” I echo with disbelief. Is this guy for real? “That scene was totally out of control!”

“You do realize,” he says mildly, “that none of this would have happened if you had returned my calls.”

My eyes widen until they feel like they might fall right out of my head. I jab a finger at him. “Are you actually trying to blame me for your lies?”

The nerve of this guy!

He sucks in a deep breath before gradually releasing it. As he does, his broad shoulders collapse. “No, I’m not. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry that I dragged you into this mess. I didn’t expect everything to go down like that.”

“Like what? What didn’t you expect?”

Instead of answering the question, he asks one of his own. “You know the girl you were talking to downstairs? The one from our accounting class?”

I jerk my head in a nod.

“Her name is Kira, and she’s been after me for a while. I’ve told her a thousand times that I have zero interest in doing anything with her, but she refuses to take no for an answer. The chick is relentless.”

Uh-huh. I still don’t understand how this affects me.

When I remain silent, he blurts, “She won’t leave me alone. It’s turned out to be a real problem.”

“Seriously? One of your fangirls has become a little overzealous and suddenly this is an issue?”

“I found her in my bed the other night.” When I fail to react, he snaps, “Naked.”

“Awww...that sounds terrible. Girls are literally falling onto their backs and spreading their legs wide for you.” I cock my head to the side. “However do you deal with it?”
