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I clear my throat when it becomes obvious that the blonde across from me isn’t going to respond. “Yeah, that’s a definite keeper. Thanks for stopping by.”

“No problem, man,” the guy says. “See you around.”

“Sure will.”

Once they depart, our waitress returns with our cups of steaming hot coffee. She leans closer and lowers her voice as if she’s spilling state secrets. “I put a rush on the order. It should be out in a minute or so.”

“Great,” I say. “Appreciate it.”

She gives me a wink before rushing away.

“This is a nightmare,” Sydney grumbles, looking distinctly uncomfortable with the unwanted attention. “If I’d realized last night that this would be such a big deal, I wouldn’t have agreed to it.” She glances at the table of people who just stopped by. They all wave when they catch sight of her looking at them. If she’s not careful, they’ll take that as a silent invitation to join us. I’ve had it happen before. “Why do they even care?”

I shrug. Honestly, I have no idea, but it’s been this way since I stepped foot on campus. What I’ve discovered is that the glare of the spotlight can be blinding. Especially when you’re not used to it. If Sydney thinks this is bad, it’ll be ten times worse once I make it to the NFL. That’ll be on a national scale. The fandemonium isn’t necessarily something I enjoy, but it comes with the territory. You can’t have one without the other. Over the years, I’ve come to accept it.

“After a week or so, I’m sure it’ll settle down.”

“Great. Just in time for us to—”

“Here you go! Hot off the griddle!” The waitress slides my plate of eggs and toast in front of me before doing the same with Sydney’s oatmeal, fruit bowl, and yogurt. She flashes a smile at both of us. “Is there anything else I can get for you, Braydey?”

Sydney’s mouth falls open.

“Nope,” I say hastily. “We’re all set! Thanks.”

“No problem at all! I’ll be back to check on you in a couple of minutes. Otherwise, just wave me down if you need anything.”

“Will do!” I say, only wanting her to disappear.

This is going much worse than I imagined. As if to prove that point, an oppressive silence falls over the table as the waitress takes off.

Is it too much to hope that Sydney is just hangry?

Maybe if she gets a little grub into her belly, it’ll improve her disposition. Although, that’s probably wishful thinking on my part.

With a sigh, she mutters, “Are you sure we need to go through with this?”

When she glances around the restaurant for a second time, I find myself doing the same. As soon as my gaze connects with a table of four girls, they all giggle and wave in unison. I jerk my attention back to Sydney.

She grumbles something indecipherable under her breath before digging into her bowl of oatmeal. Once she plows her way through most of her breakfast and I’ve demolished mine, it feels like we should get down to business so we’re both on the same page if people start poking around and asking questions. Even though I had to talk her into the situation last night, it feels like I’ve got to do it all over again. If I don’t play my cards right, she’ll end up walking away, leaving me high and dry. And I can’t afford for that to happen.

“This doesn’t have to be difficult,” I say. “Hell, it might even be pleasant.”

Her expression flattens as if she doesn’t believe that’s within the realm of possibilities.

In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have led with that.

“Anyway,” I clear my throat when she remains silent, “here’s what I’m thinking—we walk around campus together, sit by each other in class, hit a couple of parties over the weekend, engage in a little PDA to make it look legit—”

“What?” She pokers up on her seat before shaking her head. “PDA? That wasn’t part of the original agreement.”

I lift a brow. “What’s the problem?” I’ve seen this girl make out with tons of guys throughout the years. She’s no stranger to public displays of affection. So maybe there’s no affection on her part, but swapping spit with me really that big a deal?

She jerks her shoulders before her gaze falls to my mouth. “I just don’t think it’s necessary. That’s all.”

I press against the table, swallowing up some of the distance between us. “Trust me, it’s completely necessary.” My mind tumbles back to the party and what it felt like to lock lips with her. It’s definitely something I want to do again. Sooner rather than later. “We need to make this look real. I want Kira out of my life once and for all.”

“Fine, but I’m not happy about it,” she mutters.

“Noted.” I tilt my head. “Although, you sure didn’t seem to have a problem with it last night.”

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