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"Stop, Kane. You're right. I was stupid and I should have told you," I mumble into the pillow.

"Hey, no. That's not… Alyssa, I'm sorry. I would have liked to have known so I could have made it a little more special for you - not to mention gentle."

I shake my head, and then he removes the pillow from my face before his lips find mine. I try to pull back, but he pulls me tighter to him, refusing to let me recoil again.

"Kane, you don't have to-"

He cuts me off as he moves to be between my legs again, and his hot, demanding tongue slips inside my mouth to silence me more, rebuilding the fire. I never thought it possible to recover from that, but now I'm realizing there's nothing about him that can keep me away… even a botched first time.

“Alyssa, I want you like I've never wanted anything before," he murmurs against my lips, making me feel hot in all the right places as my hands begin to tangle in his hair. "I'm assuming you're not on birth control though."

My mind flashes back to my mother's spell she cast on me when I just hit puberty. It's better than any mortal birth control there is.

"I am."

His lips become more demanding, as does his tongue. He guides his firmness back to my opening. I tense up, and his hand slides down the curve of my ass to angle me differently.

"Relax, baby. I swear I won't hurt you again," he soothes, as his lips stroke slower, more gingerly across mine.

I just nod, but I don't really know how to relax. A calming sensation suddenly floods through me as I stare into his soft, warm, green eyes, and I feel my body relaxing as if on its own. His lips return to mine, making the calm all the better, as he guides himself back inside me.

This time, unlike the last, his thrust is gentle, slow, and not painful at all as he slides in to my deepest point, making me gasp in pleasure instead of pain. My legs slide up around his waist, giving him more depth, and he tugs at my back as he releases a delicious breath of his own pleasure.

"Damn, you feel so fucking good," he murmurs in a hoarse tone, his body claiming mine as he pulls out slowly and then glides back in, making me greedy and desperate for more.

My nails dig into his back as I pull him to me, and he steadily quickens his pace as my hips start rising to meet his. He grunts when he starts treating me like I'm stronger than a fragile piece of glass.

His slick thrusts are still nowhere as brutal as his first delivery, and now I sort of want that. I want to feel him claiming me the way he wants to.

Deliberately holding back, he finds a gentle rhythm that still forces my whole body to tingle. If I had known how incredible this could be, I might have turned into a slut long ago.

He holds onto me with more passion than I thought possible, and each thrust pushes me closer to the edge I'm desperate to fall off of... again. I grip him tighter as something stirs in me once more, and I feel a tear slipping out for a whole new reason as I cry out happily.

He shudders inside me, filling me with his warmth, as he lets out a low moan of pleasure before collapsing to my body and pulling me into his arms.

"You okay?" he asks so sincerely while kissing my forehead.

I'm frigging awesome.

"Definitely okay," I pant out, still unable to catch my breath after that incredible release.

"Is that a little more like you expected?"

"So much better."

He lets out a huff of a laugh, and I cringe.

Crap. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Good. That's what I want to hear."

He lightly kisses my lips, and then he pulls me up so my face is even with his as he slides my leg across his waist.

"I wish I had upgraded the room at least," he says somewhat humorously.

I let a laugh free, and then I roll my eyes.

"Single level motels don't usually have suites."
