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"Bigger problems than dripping sex right now, Dice," I chastise, trying not to throttle him.

"It's distracting," Chaz says, his eyes moving from me to Gage and then to me again. "Succubus. That's odd. You don't leak anything else. Why leak succubus?"

"Maybe it's because she's close to changing," Gage says idly, moving away from the bar as though he's bored, and then he comes to stand dangerously close to me. My heartbeat quickens as an old ache tries to return.

Hell no. Not happening. Never again. Never.

He smirks as he sees my inner battle that makes not one damn bit of sense. I love Kane. Why am I feeling tempted? Kane's life is in danger, and I'm struggling to take a step back from Gage.

"Something wrong, Alyssa?" he asks with a knowing grin I want to slap off his face.

Something has been wrong for a while. I thought it was better. Why is it back?

He leans down, letting his breath trail across my face, and then he smiles wickedly before walking around me, leaving me breathless.

"Alyssa?" Chaz says, breaking into my thoughts.

"Yeah," I say, clearing my throat. "We need a plan."

His eyebrows cock up, as if he's amused or confused. I'm not sure which.

"I realize that. That's sort of what we've been doing all morning. You okay? You don't look so good."

"I'm fine," I lie, hating myself for the feelings I shouldn't have. Kane. I have to find Kane.

Nothing. Every plan we have falls apart because of some miniscule detail Gage points out. I've done well to keep my distance from the dark user since this morning.

Chaz has been reading numerous books he swiped from the council's library. Aunt Hilly has been of no use. She has nothing helpful to offer despite her knowledge of the inner workings of the council's prison.

Chaz has been digging deep to come up with a plan, but he's remained silent for a while now, engrossed in whatever book he has on his lap. Dice is pointless—as usual. All he keeps doing is griping about my leaking succubus issue.

"You just focus on your aura, treat the leak like a leak in your aura," he says, for the millionth time.

"Dice," I groan, exhausted. "I can't even cap off my aura. I'm sorry. Deal with it already."

He curses me under his breath, and Gage's smooth chuckle comes out in small spurts. I look away when I feel my heat rising. I almost feel like I'm involuntarily betraying Kane just by having these unbidden feelings.

"I found something you dropped," Gage says while getting too close. Then he holds up Thad's necklace that had fallen off. I almost smile, but it's weighted by the guilt I feel for all these hormonal urges. I feel like a fucking animal in heat right now. Not cool.

"Here," he says, putting it on me and fixing the broken chain by using his magic.

His breath brushes my neck as he presses into my back, and I move away quickly, needing distance. He smiles as he moves back to lean against the wall, keeping his eyes concentrated on me.

I excuse myself when I keep looking at Gage, feeling my unwanted desire trying to bubble free. It's really starting to piss me off.

I shut and lock the door to my room, but I realize immediately I should have cast a spell if I wanted to keep the dark user out, considering he's already materializing in front of me.

"Running from me?" he asks, taking a step toward me and making me take a step back, a pattern that repeats itself as he continues. "You feel it like I do. We're meant for each other, Alyssa. You've been denying it, but you feel it."

When I run out of room to back up, his lips come down on mine. Tears slip out when I can't control myself, feeling my body react without my permission. The cool steel of his lip ring brings back so many memories just like this. The heat of the bar in his tongue forces out an involuntary moan as everything on my body heats up.

I try to fight him, try to fight myself, but I have no control. More tears slip out as his kiss grows hungrier, and he pulls me closer, letting me feel his desire in firm form.

"I've missed you," he whispers into my mouth as my fingers tangle in his hair to tug him closer.

I want to scream, yell, hit him with a burst of power, but all I do is return the carnal kiss that almost becomes bruising. His hands ride over my body, feeling the forgotten places through the fabric, and sending shots of heat to my core.

Seconds before I'm about to make a mistake I'll never forgive myself for, the door pops open, and Gage pulls back.
