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"What?" he growls, not bothering to turn around to see who it is.

"Somage just called your cell. They need you to meet them in Edgebrook. Now," Chaz says angrily.

Gage turns around, and I almost taste his irritation. "Who told you to answer my phone?"

"I got sick of hearing it ring. Sue me. The point is, they need you. It's probably about all this shit we're already dealing with. I handled my end. You handle yours."

Gage lets a string of curses fly freely from his mouth, and then he turns back to me and jerks me to him to deliver a crushing kiss that fills me with even more shameful desire.

"I'll be back. We'll continue this," he murmurs against my lips, seeming reluctant to let me go. "If it wasn't for the fear of this having something to do with you, I'd stay. I just want you to know that. I'm done with the Somage. From now on, you're my one and only focus. I love you."

I don't respond. I can't. Right now, in this moment, I hate him almost as much as I hate myself. Chaz seems bored more than shocked. That's insulting. Then again, I'm in love with Kane but kissing someone I just want to forget.

"If anything happens to her while I'm gone, I'll make sure it's painful for you," Gage warns.

"Just deal with this shit," Chaz says dismissively, waving Gage off.

Gage vanishes from the room, and I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. Chaz vaporizes from the room, leaving specks of his glistening trail behind. I slump to the ground, wishing I could claw out my heart right now.

How could I do that? Again?

Chaz materializes in the room, and he grabs my bag from the floor before tossing it to me, seeming rushed.

"Use your magic. You have ten seconds to pack."

I start to open my mouth, but he interrupts me before I can speak. "Eight seconds."

Instead of trying to figure out what the hell is going on, I use my magic to seal up everything I can, and then I pull the bag over my shoulder. Chaz pushes me out the door, baffling me all the more.

"What's going—"

"I'll explain on the way."

Dice is messing with the coffee maker, slapping the side of it, as we walk by. He never even looks up.

"We'll be back. Alyssa needs some air."

"Whatever," the incubus grumbles, cursing the inanimate object in front of him.

As soon as we reach the outside, Chaz steers me toward Kane's old home, which is right next door. With a flick of his wrist, the garage door opens, and a car starts.

"Get in and buckle up."

I do as he says, though I'm

actually starting to freak out a little.

"Chaz, what the hell is going on?"

He doesn't speak as he throws the car in reverse, and then makes a hard turn to barrel straight ahead. We bypass the lake homes at warp speed on our way to town.

"You curious as to why you're completely in love with Kane, yet when you're alone with Gage, you want him too much to deny it?"

My tears teeter but don't fall. There's an explanation?

"What's happening to me? Is this because of what I am?"

He takes another hard turn that jars my body, but he gets us back on the road, heading out of town.
