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"What do you like?" she asks while pulling back, leaving me in a foggy haze.

"I like it when they fight," I gush out involuntarily, staggering a little under a drunken spell I can't explain.

"Funny," she murmurs while licking her lips. "So do I."

Her pale eyes glow a darker blue suddenly, and fangs that weren't there before slide down. I start to scream, but the devil temptress clamps down on my neck with a painful ripping sound.

Holy fucking shit! What the hell is going on?

The burn I feel outdoes any pain I've ever before experienced. I finally manage to scream out, pleading for mercy which she denies. Then I feel a strong sense of seduction taking over as her bite changes, and she drains me more. I ache to feel her against me, to never let me go.

She leans back, my blood staining her mouth, and I fall to the ground

, collapsing as blood runs free from my neck. I gurgle on my own blood as my head falls to the side, and the fog of seduction is broken, letting my sanity return. Sanity. There's nothing sane or rational about any of this. What the fuck is she?

The bitch chuckles while wiping her mouth and opening her car door.

"This isn't something you want to see," she says to someone. But who? Not me. Thank fuck. If someone is here, they can save me from this monster.

Then I see a shadow in the darkness, and the image becomes clearer under my persistent scrutiny. I recognize the girl I taught a lesson just minutes ago. She kneels in the bushes, watching, basking in my terror instead of calling for help. That bitch.

The demon girl comes back, picking me up as though she's inhumanly strong, and tosses me in the back seat. "Let's go make this a little more interesting," she says, no warmth in her killer tone.

The drive is short, as I go in and out of consciousness, and then I feel us stopping completely. I smell the lake nearby, but it's too far away. The houses will be beyond the woods from here. She's about to dump my body. This can't be real. It's the nightmare from hell, but it's not real.

She drags me out, laughing a little as more of my blood spills free from the gaping wound in my neck. It all sounds like an echo though, as my breath thuds in my ears. Then her eyes turn from blue to a glowing green as she slides her hand over me, doing something to me I can't see.

Air enters my lungs, and my wound closes up. I feel a little stronger, but still weak.

"I need to stretch my legs, officer," she says, sounding as though she's at the end of a tunnel, while kicking me and forcing me to roll off the side of the road and into the wooded area. "Here's your chance to run. I'll even give you a head start."

I don't have to be told twice. I stagger drunkenly to my feet, and look over my shoulder as I try to limp away. I gasp as her eyes turn orange, and then she sheds her clothes, getting naked in front of me.

Surely she's not going to do to me what I was going to do to her. I run forward while looking behind me, refusing to take my eyes off her, until fear consumes me completely and my feet become too weighted to move.

Her body distorts and she lets out a cry that turns into an ungodly roar as she drops to her hands and knees. Her skin becomes ashen, gray, as she starts turning into some... monster.

I yelp uselessly, screaming out in disbelief as the creature grows to be a vicious, snarling abomination with paws bigger than my head. A mess of teeth and snarls fill her mouth that has grown a snout. Her hairless body is sleek and massive, and she charges at me, making me fall backwards in my forgotten retreat.

A scream erupts from my throat seconds before she's latched on.

Chapter 3

Ms. Hyde

The night is cold, dark, and dank. I'm sitting in my Jag in front of Kane's house with absolutely no memory of how I got here. I don't remember driving, or even waking up.

There's a hunger inside me that both confuses and excites me. It's not like anything I've ever felt before, and I can only think of one way to sate it.

I should be worried about the dark hair I see in the mirror right now. In fact, it should terrify me. The darkness isn't surfacing, so why is my hair a glistening onyx right now? Who knows? Who cares?

I step out of the car, wearing a tight pair of leather pants that had been in my closet, though I have no recollection of ever putting them on. The shirt is barely a shirt at all. The deep red pops against the black pants, leaving me dressed for the wandering eyes. My stomach and back are bare for several inches, and my cleavage is accentuated more than ever before.

I smile a vixen's grin as I stalk toward the house like I'm searching for prey. Deke, Zee, and Kane are lounging on the couches, eating popcorn and watching some gory movie, completely oblivious to my approach.

He has no idea what I have in store for him right now.

I watch patiently as the slasher film gets all the more disturbing and violent. Blood paints the walls, decorates the faces of the victims, and spills free from each new wound. I'm sure, to a night stalker, this is more like watching Food Network as opposed to a horror flick.
