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Laughing, I pull her up, baby and all, and then take Sophie from her. “Hey, Soph, want to take your Mom for a twirl?” When Sophie just claps her hands and babbles happily, I grin at Elise. “See? She can’t think of anything better. Now, come on!”

I drag her onto the dance floor and helplessly amused, Elise lets me show her my weird dance moves, most of which are made up and make her laugh, loudly. With Sophie held in a secure grip, I sway to the beat, occasionally twirling Elise, who tries to mimic my ridiculous moves.

Very soon, Debra drags Riley over and joins us. Sophie changes hands between us and it’s a lively affair with everyone chuckling and giggling. No one butts in to interrupt our family’s moment and my heart soars on seeing the happiness lighting up the face of the woman I love.

When our feet can move no longer, we exit the floor.

My arm is around Elise as I still hold Sophie who looks radiant with all the excitement. I’m watching Elise so I notice when her broad smile falters suddenly and then stiffens as she freezes.

Instantly, I look up to see an older couple approaching us with severe expressions on their face.

“Mother!” Elise exclaims.




What are they doing here? I think to myself, frantically.

However, I haven’t seen them since I became pregnant and I can’t help but be a little emotional about seeing my parents.

“Elise, how have you been?” My father gives me a nod,

My heart feels a little tight and I wish he would draw me into his arms for a hug. But I know he will never initiate one, so I let myself be guided by my emotions as I step forward and wrap my arms around him in a hug. “Father, it’s good to see you!” Despite our odd relationship, I want to just crawl into his lap, put my head on his shoulder, and cry my heart out.

It takes him a few seconds but he returns the hug albeit a little stiffly. There is a trace of regret in his voice as he says, “It has been too long.”

When I step back to hug my mother, she greets me a little warmly, “Have you lost weight?”

I laugh. “I’ve gained it.” Feeling her arms around me, my eyes feel moist as I quietly murmur an ache in my heart, “I’ve missed you.”

She doesn’t say anything but her arms tighten around me, in response.

I introduce Lucas to them, “Lucas is Debra’s brother.”

My mother nods. “I’m one of her oldest clients.”

Lucas blinks, “Fayleen Smith?”

My mother looks surprised. “You know of me?”

Lucas smiles. “Yes! You’re the only client she invited to the wedding. You helped start her business off. She’s always held you in high esteem.” He chuckles. “It’s a small world.”

My father isn’t paying attention to us, his attention on Sophie who is staring back at him.

Seeing the curiosity in his gaze and knowing he won’t make a move, I decide to do something. I take Sophie from Lucas as he chats with my mother, and I deliberately hold her in an incorrect way. I make it seem that I’m fumbling.

After two heartbeats, my father snorts, “That’s not how you hold a child, Elise. Here, let me show you.” He takes Sophie from my arms, irritably, and adjusts her in his arms. “See?”

I pretend to look fascinated, all the while feeling smug inside. “Oh, is that how you do it? Guess I’ve been doing it wrong all this time.”

Lucas gives me a strange look as if to say, what are you talking about – you just lectured me yesterday about this!

My father gives me a suspicious look but he can’t help himself from studying the child in his arms.

It’s his grandchild.
