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Sophie grabs on to his tie and stares at him.

Both man and child enter into a staring competition before Sophie starts baby babbling.

My baby has the most infectious laugh I’ve ever heard. People are always drawn to it. And my parents are no different.

My father’s lips tug up reluctantly and I watch as Sophie goes in for the killer move, where she rests her tiny head on my father’s shoulder as if she’s always known him.

My mother has a doting look in her eyes as she stares at Sophie and I know that for all their resistance over the phone, they’re helpless against Sophie’s charms.

Hook, line, and sinker.

When Sophie sees another stranger who looks willing to give her attention, she opens her arms wide and starts babbling.

Unable to hide her own eagerness, my mother reaches out and takes her from my reluctant father.

“She likes you.” I smile at them.

My mother gives me a rueful smile that says that she knows she’s been had.

However, my father is too busy glaring at Lucas to hear this and he demands, “Are you the man who—”

“No, Father!” I immediately put one hand on Lucas’s chest, protectively. “Lucas is – he’s my…” I look at him, frantically, my heart sinking as I realize we’ve never put a label on what we are.

However, Lucas just gives me a warm look, and says, smoothly, “I intend to marry your daughter.”

My father’s face relaxes, marginally and then he narrows his eyes. “There’s no ring on her finger.”

Lucas looks affronted at this. “Well, I wouldn’t give your daughter a store bought ring. I’m having one specially made for her!”

My father doesn’t look entirely convinced but my mother intervenes, “I’ve heard your sister speak of you. She thinks the world of you.”

Her meaning is clear.

My mother approves.

“And what about…?” My father shoots a look towards Sophie and then me, his expression tight.

My mouth is dry and Lucas grabs my hand, so I finally manage to reply, “That - that man is no longer in the picture.”

I wait for the ax to fall, for my father to make a harsh comment as he is prone to doing but he just glances at Sophie and then says, slowly, “Maybe it was for the best.”

The words are so unexpected and shocking to me that I suddenly lean against Lucas, my strength dissipated.

This was not how I had expected this conversation to go.

He had been so cruel to me with his words when I had told him that I had gotten pregnant and that I intended to keep the child. I had cried for days until I forced myself to accept it and move on.

And although they had stayed in touch, my parents hadn’t met me even once since I broke the news to them. So, this open acceptance has my chest twisting and turning.

But they look older, more aged, more tired.

Maybe this separation has been hard on them too.

“So, what do you do?” My father interrogates Lucas, his expression stern. “Can you support my daughter and my granddaughter?”

Lucas looks tall and firm, like a rock in the center of the storm and he nods, easily. “I’m a corporate lawyer. I work with Elise. I’m pretty sure I can support them.”

“Pretty sure is not good enough,” my father barks.
