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Amidst his own groans, he tightens his grip on me and I sigh in relief just before he pushes me over the edge. I see white heat and soundlessly scream out his name.

His arms around me now, I fee his own body tense up as he releases.

Floating in this haze, I let my breathing calm down before rasping, “That all you got? Big talk.”

Growling, Lucas tumbles me back on the bed. “You little….”

It’s another wild session and a shower later that I’m finally deposited on the rather large chair in his living room on which I curl up while Lucas puts on some coffee.

“You’re terrible for my self-control,” he says, wryly, from across the room. “I’ve never met a woman whom I can’t keep my hands off and then on top of that you’ve learned to goad me.”

I beam at him. “It’s not my fault you keep falling for it.”

Shaking his head, he brings me my cup and placing it in my hand, he presses a kiss to the top of my head. “How’s the hand?”

“Still there,” I move the sling, slightly.

He sits on the ground in front of me and I lower my legs so he can lean against them.

“So, something happened today. You weren’t the only one with some major drama going on.”

I blink. “What?”

“I got your contract rescinded and then told Darren he was getting sued for a variety of reasons and Lana gave him his walking papers.”

My head spins as something akin to relief penetrates me. “Really?”

“His harassment of you and these charges should be enough to keep him away from you and Sophie if he were to sue for custody. Also, if he does, Lana will testify on the company’s behalf and act as a witness to what that little bastard has been doing.”

I put down my cup and rub my hand over my face. “So, Darren is going to stay away from me.”

“He doesn’t have a choice. Your name was also cleared quite publicly so…” Lucas glances up at me, hopefully. “If you don’t want to take your father’s offer, you could always come back to Starr Industries.”

I’m silent, contemplating my options. “If I were to take his offer, assuming it’s still there, what would you do?”

“I’ll come work for you.” The answer is prompt as if he doesn’t even need to think about it.

“What about Caleb?”

Lucas sips at his coffee, saying offhandedly, “Oh, he’ll hate you forever, but that’s okay. Technicalities.”

Laughing, I pull at his hair. “Be serious!”

Relenting, Lucas puts his head in my lap. “I don’t want you to go away from me. But I also know that this is a fantastic opportunity and I will never hold you back. I want you to succeed at everything you want to in life.”

My heart softens at his words and then I lower my voice. “Can I tell you something?”

He looks up at me, his gaze trusting.

I chew on my lower lip. “I’ve never been ambitious, Lucas. I want to be happy in whatever I do. But I don’t want the strain of responsibilities and what not on me. I’ve spent half my life trying to shoulder every responsibility and I’m just tired. The truth is that my qualifications are more than a receptionist’s. When I chose this job, I just wanted an easy life. I wanted to be able to afford a comfortable apartment, have three meals a day, make friends, and just be happy.” I look down at him.

There’s a smile on his face as he replies, “If that’s what you want, then that’s what I want for you.”

“You don’t think that makes me weird?”

“There are always going to be different types of people in this world, Elise. Some are overflowing with ambition and some are just content. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting more.”

It feels like someone is gripping my heart so tightly that I can’t breathe for a few seconds. And then I say, “I guess my father won’t be very happy with me now.”
