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If I could be called a carefree soul, Mia is the exact opposite. It’s ironic, considering our professions.

She’s inherited her mother’s genes, who was from Hong Kong, and she has a short, thin frame, her face serious. It breaks out into a smile when she glimpses me approaching the deli. “Halley!” She throws her arms around me. “You look so beautiful!”

I laugh and disentangle myself from her tight grip. “Does Cameron know you’re hitting on me?”

Cameron has been Mia’s boyfriend for three years. He’s also in the force and it was through him that Mia applied for this job.

“Where is he?” I ask, looking around as if the tall Amazon would jump out from behind a pedestrian.

Mia tucks her arm in mine. “He’s working on a cold case with the detective he’s been assigned to, Felix. Cam wants to give the detective’s exam in two years, so he’s working towards getting his supervising officer to nominate him. He wanted to come though.”

We walk into the deli and order the food before taking our seats.

Mia sighs. “I’m so glad that you decided to move to DC.”

I stretch my arms over my head. “I’ve always been three hours away by car. Chesapeake City isn’t that far from here.”

“It seemed awfully far,” my friend says, desolately.

I know ever since she and Cameron moved here, both of them had tried their utmost to get me to relocate. All three of us had grown up together and had been inseparable since childhood.

“So, what made you decide to move?”

The smile on my face freezes.

Mia’s face scrunches up in sympathy. “Still?”

I rub my hands over my face with a sigh. “They got really bad over the past few months and I had the money, so I thought that maybe a change of scenery would help. Besides, Uncle Raymond was here and he kept pestering me to move up here.”

We both know my over protective Uncle had no influence over the decision.

I’ve had terrible nightmares ever since I was young. Sometimes they fade and I can sleep calmly for a few months and then they come back, triggered by God knows what. It’s always the same dream: a cold musty room, a woman’s screams, and then a cold hand grasping at me, shrieking, begging me to run.

Shivers climb up my back as I recall the desperate tinge to the woman’s voice.

I blame the horror movies Mia, Cameron, and I used to watch.

“Well, I’m glad you did.” Mia grasps my hand, her tone warm. “Now tell me about your new job.”

Obliging, I tell her about my new boss and the whole situation starting from when I ran into him in my new apartment complex.

“He sounds cute.” Mia grinned.

I scoff. “He’s a damn tyrant and he scowls so much that I’m starting to think he crawled out of his mother’s womb like that.”

Mia bites her lower lips, trying not to burst out laughing. “That’s horrible, Halley!”

I sip on my green tea, grinning. “But he’s not all bad. He said he’d pay me out of his own pocket and he praised my work. That was pretty nice of him.”

“I wish you’d managed to sneak a picture. From how you’ve described him, he sounds kind of hot.”

“Hah. A few hours with him, and I can tell you… Jace Hunter is married to his work. He’s good eye candy though.”

Mia sips at her own tea, and then says, “Why don’t you start dating, though? You’ve been single for so long. You’re in DC. It’s so large and there are so many guys here.”

I fidget with my cup. “That’s true. I could give it a shot.”

Mia grins. “Cameron was just telling me about this officer who joined with him. Dave something-something. He’s got a middle name and a last name. And he’s Cuban. And he loves having a good time. He’s single and he’s very attractive. If I wasn’t very happily taken, I would be climbing all over him like a damn pole.” She waggles her brows. “Want me to ask him to set you two up?”
