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This answer makes me relax and I chuckle. “Are you asking me to go easy on you?”

She shifts under me and I just know that she’s red faced and scowling right now.

“That’s not it! It’s…” she trails off.

I sigh, sitting up and pulling her up with me, I free her arms as I toss her shirt aside. “We can stop,” I tell her, brushing her hair from her face.

She rests her head on my chest, whispering, “I don’t want to. But doing this—I mean …”

I’m catching on to what she’s trying to say and I pull her towards me till she’s sprawled in my lap. “I’m not taking advantage of you. If I just wanted to sleep with someone, it’s not that hard to pick someone up at a bar.”

Halley’s frame stiffens at this.

I hurriedly continue, “But I want you. You’re making me break all my own rules for you.”

“So you want to date me?” Halley says, slowly, her tone cautious, “Like, hanging out and doing all those things that couples do?”

“No. I want more than that. I want everything from you.” I press my lips to her eyelids. “Calling it dating sounds so immature. I want a partner, a lover. I just want you.”

Her fingers clench in my shirt, her voice small as she says, “So, if I say I’m not ready for this right now, would you be okay with it?”

I run my fingers through her hair. “We wait till you’re ready.” When she doesn’t say anything, I add, “I won’t push you, Halley.”

She’s still silent.

I wonder if she’s just thinking or maybe I’ve said something wrong.

I don’t have to wait long for her to finally speak up. “I’m a virgin.”

I tuck my tongue in my cheek, trying not to laugh. “I’m aware.”

“But I’ve read books.”

“Have you now?” Just what sort of books has she been reading?

“Yes.” She’s fiddling with my button on my shirt. Clad in a bra and jeans, Halley seems to be quite comfortable in my lap.

I wish she would get dressed because her half-dressed state is wreaking havoc on my senses.

“So…” Her tone is indecisive as if she doesn’t quite know what to say. “I—It’s been a hard day.”

My heart goes out to her and I hold her closer to me, cuddling her. “I know.”

“I want to forget it all for now. I don’t want to sit and stress over what the case file holds. I don’t want to wonder whether I’m in danger and I don’t want to think about whether or not my mother is alive or not. I just want to forget everything.”

I blink, my heart pounding loudly against my chest, as I process her words. However, I don’t want to interpret them. I’d rather she phrase her desire very precisely.

So, I don’t say anything.

When she tugs on my button, I cover her hand with mine, stopping her, “Halley, you’re going to need to spell it out for me. I’m not going to take advantage of you.”

I can feel her eyes on me before she mutters, “It’s weird to ask something like this.”

“Then whisper it in my ear,” I suggest, ignoring how childish it sounds.

One arm looping around my neck, she pulls me down till her soft lips are right next to my ear, her warm breath making me shiver, “I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”

That is as clear of a signal as I’m ever going to get from her, so I seize her jaw in one hand and slant my lips overs hers. She trembles in my hold and I run my hand over her bare back, reaching out to unclasp her bra.
