Page 115 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

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My heart hurts for the crazed grief in her eyes. “Different gangs have different methods. We don’t know what Bryan did.”

Sarah covers her face with her hands, her breaths coming out in short spasms.

“Give her some brandy,” Agatha orders, and a second later, a short glass is handed to her.

“Come on, A ghrá,” I beg. “Drink some. It’ll make you feel better.”

With trembling hands, Sarah throws the drink down her throat and winces at the burning sensation.

I grasp her hands and force her to look at me. “Listen to me. Don’t think about what Bryan did in the past. Let’s focus on getting him back first. We’ll deal with one problem at a time. And I’ll be standing right next to you. We’ll get through this.”

As I speak those words, I realize I mean them.

I want to be her shield and her sword.

I want to stand between this kind-hearted and loving woman, and the harsh cruelties that reality wants to throw at her. I want to protect her.

But while there is no protecting her from the truth, I plan to stand by her side and help her through this. The kind of gang Street Serpents is, it is difficult to assume that Bryan did n’t bloody his hands. But I do understand why Sarah tried to delude herself.

Zayn and Agatha share a look, and then Zayn says, his voice low, “That’s all I could find out for now. But your brother is alive. I know that much as well. The Street Serpents have him, but I haven’t managed to figure out the location yet.”

Ian looks at me and then at Sarah. “His bank account was emptied the day after he disappeared. He withdrew very large sums, and I think he was going on the run. But I followed up the credit card transaction, which was two days after that. One of our people got the gas station manager to hand over the security tapes. That was where they got him. The video showed Bryan going in, bulking up on snacks and camping equipment. Minutes later, two other guys showed up. Bryan tried to make a break for it, but they dragged him out. Their faces aren’t very clear on the camera, so we don’t know who they were.”

He lets out a growl. “The manager swore he’d never seen them before.”

Zayn makes a small sound. “There’s something else.”

He takes out photos of individual men and hands them to me. “Do you recognize any of them?”

My eyes narrow. “Yeah, these are the men who hung out with Dominic. And I think one of these is the one who jumped me that day. Can’t be sure, though.”

As I hand the pictures back, I ask, “Why do you ask?”

Zayn tucks the pictures back in his jacket. “They’re all dead. Seemingly accidents.”

Sarah looks shocked, her voice bleak. “All of them?”

“Perhaps this isn’t the best place to discuss this,” Agatha interjects. “Let’s move this into the back office.

Zayn shakes his head. “That is all I have. I have to be somewhere else right now. You should warn Ruby that she might not be safe.”

Sarah twists her hands, worry etched into her pretty face. “I will. Thank you.”

Zayn blinks at her and then shrugs. “Anything for Fergus’s girl.”

I watch him leave and then turn my attention back to Sarah, who is staring down at her drink, her expression torn.

“It makes sense that he went head to head with the leader of a gang to protect his family,” Sarah mutters. “But Ruby is a nice girl. She isn’t the kind to get involved with gangs or whatnot.”

“Maybe she’s related to the guy in some way? Or he wants her?” Ian suggests. “Either way, the fact that Bryan is alive means there’s still hope.”

I walk around the counter and pull her into my arms, offering her the warmth and comfort she needs right now. “We’ll find him, Sarah. We’re using every resource available. Look, within a week, we managed to find out this much. That’s good.”

She agrees slowly, her soft brown hair caressing my jaw. “You’re right. I didn’t even have this much before.”

I plant a kiss on top of her head and watch as Agatha and Ian try to distract her from her worries. I also note how Ian watches Agatha when she isn't looking, and my eyes narrow.

However, Agatha formed a tight friendship with Sarah. By the time I return to my work, she is showing pictures of Philip and Charlotte on their honeymoon to Sarah, who looks engrossed in them.
