Page 116 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

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I have some paperwork to do as well today, but I decide to bring it home instead of leaving Sarah alone at the bar. There is a certain fragility to her right now, and I want to be around her.

As I cater to a few customers, my mind is distracted by how strange this whole scenario is. This mysterious figurehead, these deaths, Bryan’s girlfriend. There is something that I am missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

There is a niggling thought in the back of my mind, one I can't quite grasp. As I put down a coffee in front of Sarah a few hours later, I have a small frown on my face.

It is nearing twelve, and I am thinking of taking her home in a while, considering she is drooping in her seat.

“Is this milk coffee?” she asks, yawning, and I notice how she has been stuck on the same page for the past half hour.

“How are you doing?” I hum, not understanding where my fascination with her hair stems from. I can’t stop myself from playing with it.

She sips at the coffee and then gives me a strained smile. “I’m trying to convince myself that I can’t stop living my own life. And that patience is key in this whole mess.”

“Atta girl.” I kiss her forehead.

Finding myself reluctant to move away from her, I ask, “How about I make you a snack when we get home?”

She curls her small hand in mine. “If you keep feeding me like this, I’m going to turn into a balloon. And I’ve seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You do not want that.”

I roar with laughter at her reference and steal a kiss from her lips before getting back to work. The bar is emptying early tonight, probably due to the heavy snowfall outside. We still have a few stragglers left.

I let the staff out early after checking the forecast, and once the last drunkard leaves, I start locking up. The morning staff can come and do the clean-up. I glance towards where Sarah sits, a

nd I see the blush on her cheeks. She is completely engrossed in her book, and I wonder what she is reading.

Treading quietly so as to catch a glimpse, I stand behind her and peek at the content. I smile with a smirk when I see what she is reading.

“That’s an interesting position,” I remark, casually. “Not very practical, though.”

“Fergus!” She sounds mortified, snapping the book shut and glaring at me, completely embarrassed.

I lean next to her, blocking her escape route, and grin. “Whatchu reading?”

When she huffs at me, I can’t help myself. “Isn’t that a little dirty for a kindergarten teacher to be reading?”

She hits me with the book. “Oh, grow up!”

Delighted, I dance out of reach and then grab the book from her, opening to the page she was reading. I have a height advantage, and she makes a face at me when I start reading aloud.

“You’re not funny, Fergus! Give that back,” she growls at me, trying to snatch the book back.

It is some period romance, and she was in the midst of a hot and heavy scene between the stable boy and his mistress.

“He’s very focused on foreplay,” I comment, holding the book out of reach.

“You could learn a thing or two from him,” Sarah hisses at me.

So shocked am I at the implication that she manages to get the book back and she promptly stuffs it into her purse.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I gape at her. “I distinctly remember you screaming my name this morning. I had to get you water afterward because you said your throat hurt from all the shouting.”

Sarah blushes but doesn’t give in. “Nothing. I was trying to distract you.”

However, my pride as her lover is hurt, and I am nothing if not determined to make her eat her words.

“Come here.”

She sees the glint in my eye and takes a step back. “Oh, I don’t think so, you pervert.”
